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Q: A volcano in a less economic developed country?
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What does ledc stand for?

what does LEDC stand for?Less economy developed country

Why are economic indicators low with a less developed country?

I think that its low because the country is not fully developed.

Is Iran a less economic developed country?

It is listed under Less Developed Countries at the Related Link below.

Why do you think some people are rich and some are poor explain?

it depends on whether they are in a more economic developed country (MEDC) or a less economic developed country (LEDC)

What two methods can less developed country use to finance its economic development?

There two methods that less developed country can use to finance its economic development. The two are borrowing from other countries and collecting taxes from citizens.

What two methods can a less developed country used to finance its economic development?

The two methods that a less developed country can use to finance its economic development include borrowing from the World Bank, and agriculture. One method less developed countries can use to finance economic development is internal financing. Another method is foreign investment.

What is a less economic developed country?

An LEDC is a less economically developed country, or a country with a low level of economical development. Indicators of this can include high infant mortality rate, low literacy rate, and a low GDP (per capita) Examples of LEDCs are Jamaica, Ghana, Rwanda etc

Is Chile a more developed country or less developed country?

more developed country.

Is India a more or less economic country?

It is a less economic country because the states there are mostly farming and only the cities have no farms so it is a less economic country.

Is Nigeria more developed or less developed?

Developing country

Why is Paraguay a less economically developed country?

Yes Paraguay is a less economical developed country

Should more economic developed countries help to pay vaccines for less economic developed countries?
