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Sulfur is the element that has a pungent smell when it is burned. Sulfur is yellow in color and is a non-metal. In ancient times, burning sulfur was a method used to fumigate homes.

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Q: A yellow element that stinks when burned?
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What element is yellow and stinks when burned?


What yellow element element stinks when burned?

Sulfur is the yellow element which stinks when burnt. It forms sulfur dioxide when burnt.

What is the yellow element that stinks when burned?

Vinegar, rubber bands, plastic and more i just rememberd those 3

What yellow element sinks when its burned?

You think probable to sulfur.

Which yellow solid element smells really bad when burned?


What element stinks when it burns?

That would be sulfur.

Element that is a yellow solid found as an impurity in coal?

An element that is a yellow solid and found as an impurity in coal is sulfur. Sulfur is one reason why burning coal creates pollution. When impure coal is burned, sulfur dioxide is created and contributes to phenomena such as acid rain.

Is a yellow nonmetal that smells of rotten eggs when burnt?

The yellow non-metal that smells of rotten eggs when burned is sulfur. Sulfur is a chemical element. The symbol for sulfur is S and the atomic number is 17.

What is produced when an element is completely burned in oxygen?

An oxide of that element.

What device analyzes the light given off when an element is burned?

A spectrometer analyzes the light given off when an element is burned.

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What element is a metal that easily melts and burns with a yellow flame?

A fellow flame is produced when sodium is burned as a single element. Sodium as a compound :, baking soda, washing soda, and table salt also burns yellow .