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A droplet is usually defined as being less than 0.5mm in diameter, like what you see in a fine spray. If the droplets were small enough, then I guess you could fit a million or so into one drop, but its more likely to vary - maybe in the thousands or ten-thousands.

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They become Clouds that precipitation falls from.

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first, people fly a plane over the clouds, they spray salt over them, the water droplets in the cloud mix with the salt, and combine to make a large rain drop, and, last but not least, it rains.

What is needed to cause a cloud to rain?

cloud contain large amount of water vapour .The water vapour came to contact with dust particles (size 0.5mm) to form water droplet make it as its nuclie,this processes is called coalescence process . small water droplet combine to form bigger droplets . These droplets fall as rain drop.

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Being born a black male or female makes a person black. Blood isn't black but red, and droplets of it doesn't turn a person any more black than they already are, if they are.

How does the clouds make water?

Simple answer: They don't. Clouds ARE water - tiny, tiny droplets of water just like fog. If colder air moves into a cloud, it causes there to be even more water droplets forming. When the droplets get close enough together, they start touching and turning themselves into even larger droplets. Then the "even larger" water droplets touch, and make water drops . . . at some point in this process, the water droplets grow large enough that they are too heavy to stay where they are, and then they fall to the ground. This falling to the ground is what we call, "Rain".

How does light and rain make a rainbow?

The moisture droplets in the air refract the light like a prism. This happens with millions of droplets, and depending on the angle at which you observe it, you see a rainbow.