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* 40 centuries have passed in the study of algebra since the writings referred to in the Egyptian papyrus.

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Q: About how many centuries have passed in the study of algebra since the writings referred to in the Egyptian papyrus?
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Did the Egyptians create algebra?

yes cos like everyone know's Muslims created Algebra, and the algebra was created at Egyptian times. :)

What is the study of algebra?

The study of algebra is commonly referred to as arithmetic. This is a branch of mathematics which is a broad science.

Unknown quantities or letters in algebra are referred to as?


Why is algebra 1 referred to as AB?

Algebra 1 is called 'AB' because it covers the first two parts of algebra, whereas algebra 2 is called 'BC' because it covers the second two parts.

Did the Greeks invent algebra?

The invention of algebra traces back to the ancient Babylonians. At the time, Egyptian, Greek, and Chinese mathematicians actually used geometry to solve math problems.

Why was algebra important?

Algebra was first studied thousands of years ago by the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians. For most of its history, people studied and developed algebra for enjoyment and intellectual challenge. In the last couple of centuries, algebra has been used extensively in the development of science, engineering medicine, and other fields.

How did Egyptian Math help in everyday life?

Egyptian mathematics are of great help in solving architectural problem such as in the field of architecture or engineering, it is essential to have more advance maths knowledge. Working on geometry and algebra helps in reasoning skills and assist later in life to solve technical problems. Egyptian complex mathematic equations like geometry and algebra are of great help in Egypt to build the pyramids.

When did Muslims make algebra?

In the 9th and 10th centuries, a Muslim mathematician, Al-Khwarizmi, built upon and expanded some of the works of Greek scholars such as Diophantus. Together the two men are often said to be the fathers of modern algebra.

When was algebra invented?

We generally credit Diophantus of Alexandria as laying the groundwork for algebra in the second or third centuries AD. We can't be certain because records from that time are a challenge to find. Use the link to the related question to read a bit on the history of algebra. You'll find that link below.

What is the minimum or maximum point called in a quadratic equation?

They are simply referred to as local minimums and maximums. Experience: Algebra 2 Advanced

What is the meaning to algebra?

Algebra comes from the Arabic "al-jabr" meaning "restoration". Algebra differs from arithmetic through the use of non-number symbols, such as x, y, and z. The "restoration" referred is the combination of Indian, Babylonian, and Greek classical methodology that were lost to civilization during the European Dark Ages.