



The use of letters to substitute unknown numbers to form an equation. Solve the equation to get the unknown number using different methods such as simultaneous equations and more.

227,430 Questions

What is the square footage of a 60 foot radius circle?

Archimedes proved that the area enclosed by a circle is equal to that of a triangle whose base has the length of the circle's circumference and whose height equals the circle's radius. Circle area therefore comes to π(pi) multiplied by the radius squared.

area = (pi) * (60)2 which is the same as 3.14 * 3600 = 11304 square feet.

What is the difference in volume between a 13 ft cube and a 10 ft cube?

A cube thirteen feet to a side has a volume of 2197 cubic feet. A cube ten feet to a side has a volume of 1000 cubic feet. The larger cube has 1197 cubic feet, or 119.7 percent, more volume over the smaller one.

Alvin's age is three times Elga's age The sum of their ages is 76 What is Elga's age?

a = 3e

a + e = 76

∴ 3e + e = 76

e = 76/4

e = 19

∴ a = 3 × 19

a = 57

Alvin is 57 years old, and Elga is 19

What is the perimeter of a square whose side is 8.2 centimeters?

It would be 32.8 centimeters. A square has 4 sides and equal sides. So 8.2 x 4 equals 32.8

What is the diagonal measurement of 40' x 60'?

Take each of two sides, and square them- multiply them times themselves- 40x40, and 60 x 60. That will give you 1600 and 3600. Add them together- 5200. Find the square root of 5200- which is ABOUT 72.11. That is the diagonal- and how you use the Pythagorean theorem

What are the numbers that have exactly 3 factors?

The squares of prime numbers have exactly three factors.

4 has 1, 2, and 4.

9 has 1, 3, and 9.

25 has 1, 5, and 25.

49 has 1, 7, and 49.

121 has 1, 11, and 121.

169 has 1, 13, and 169.

How do you write 77 over 200 as a decimal?

77/200 will not cancel down to lower fractions.

As a fraction it means ''77' divided by '200'

To do this we write


Note the decimal point and the 'string' of zeroes.

We say 200 divided into 77 won't go. So zero(0) in the answer and carry the decimal point into the answer.

Hence 200)770.00000 = 0.

We now say 200 divided into 770 goes 3 times (600) and a remainder of 170.

So it becomes

200)770.00000 = (0.3...

We now add the remainder to the next decimal zero , so it reads 1700.

We say 200 divided into 1700 goes 8 times (1600) and a remainder of 100.


200)7700.0000.. =(0.38...

We now add the remainder to the next decimal zero , so it reads 1000.

We say 200 divided into 1000 goes 5 times (1000) and NO remainder.


200)7700.0 = (0.385

Since there is no remainder to division is complete, and the answer is 77/200 = 0.385

NB Use this system to convert fractions to decimals.

NNB Be careful, some fractions / decimals such as 1/3 = 0.333.... go to infinity, that is they never complete.

NNNB Be more careful again . Some fractions/decimals go to infinity and there is no regularity in the numbers. This is known as an IRRATIONAL number. The most famous irrational number is pi = 3.141592.....


What is 43 minus the sum of 16 and 11?

43 minus the sum of 16 and 11 can be calculated as follows:

16 + 11 = 27

43 - 27 = 16

Therefore, 43 minus the sum of 16 and 11 is equal to 16.

What is 5 yd 1 ft - 1 yd 2 ft?

just subtract 5 yd by 1 yd then subtract 1ft by 2ft..... = 4yd's and 1 ft easy as pie but i hate pie.

What the mean median and mode of 15 27 10 25 9 22 25?

Mean is the sum(addition) of all the terms , divided by the number of terms.

Median is the absolute middle term, when placed in rank order.

Mode is the most frequently occurring term.

15 27 10 25 9 22 25

First place these terms in rank order. Ther are seven(7) terms.


MEAN => (9+10+15+22+25+25+27) / 7 = 133/7 = 19

Median = 22 ( The absolute middle term.

Mode = 25 (The most frequent ; because it occurs twice, whereas the rest are only once).

How do you find the area of a picture frame?

For a rectanglar picture, measure the length and width of the space where the picture will fit inside the frame and multiply the two measurements together to obtain the area. Example: 7 inches x 9 inches = 63 square inches. For a circular picture, measure the diameter of the space where the picture will fit inside the frame then multiply the radius (half the diameter) by itself and by pi (3.14). Example: for 6 inch diameter, 3.14 x 3 inch x 3 inch = 28.26 square inches.

An exponential decay function represents a quantity that has a decreasing halving time?

exponential decay doesnt have to have a decreasing halving time. it just decays at a certain percentage every time, which might be 50% or might not

What is the distance between the points 2 1 and 14 6 on a coordinate plane?

For (2,1) & ( 14,6)

Use Pythagoras.

d^2 = (2 - 14)^2 + ( 1 - 6)^2

d^2 = (-12)^2 + (-5)^2

d^2 = 144 + 25

d^2 = 169

d = sqrt(169)

d = 13