

Math and Arithmetic

Math is the study of abstractions. Math allows us to isolate one or a few features such as the number, shape or direction of some kind of object. Then we can study what can be learned about the behavior of those features while ignoring everything else about the object.

808,829 Questions

If you were less than a month pregnant and didn't know it what does it look like to have a miscarriage?

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It looks just like a period. You would probably never know.

I wanted to add to this- I believe i had one, and they only reason i believe this was because i would gush blood then it would stop, and at the very beginning of my period i passed a 3 inch blood clot. and when i would bleed it would be very short bleeding followed by a few hours of not bleeding. The blood was also Bright Red at first, then tapered off to brown.

What is wrong when your period starts and stops in less than thirty minutes?

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that probably is your first period, or the start of it. If you have had unprotected sex though you should get checked out.

What was the month day and year of the Challenger disaster?

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The shuttle challenger, disintegrated after launch, killing all seven astronauts on board on Tuesday, January, 28, 1986.

How can you make yourself smaller if you are 14 and 5' 9'' and you want to be 5' 5''?

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The only thing that can be done is to surgically remove four inches from each one of your legs. You don't want to do that. Being 5'9" isn't so bad.

AnswerMy daughter could have written the above answer.

She was 5'9 at 14 and hasn't grown much more. she is now 18 and 5'10.

When she was 14 she was the tallest in her class. Now some of the girls and most of the boys have caught her up.

She loves being tall. Her main problem is finding trousers to fit her 36" legs. I wish I had such a problem.

^^ Why on earth would you want to be smaller when you are 5'9"?! I understand that being so tall might get you unwanted attention or bullying, but I'm 5'2" and would literally kill to to be a couple of inches taller!! I wouldn't be so drastic if i were you. Being tall can really help you out sometimes you know. Spot a tastey looking cheesecake on that top shelf? Can't reach it if yer 5'2"! Think about THAT!! lol. Rant over.

What were the five points of the Compromise of 1850?

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1. California would be admitted as a free state.

2. The New Mexico territory would have no restrictions on slavery.

3. The New Mexico-Texas border dispute would be settled in favor of New Mexico.

4. The slave trade, but not slavery itself, would be abolished in the District of Colombia.

5. Clay pushed for a stronger fugitive slave law.

What is the average amount of days in a month?

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365 days divided by 12 months = 30.416666

correction my dear Fartson, its more like 365.25/12 =30.4375

leap year

Is one 40 mg of pantoprazole safe to take with one 0.5 mg of lorazepam?

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Yep that's fine...there are no interactions between those two drugs

When a house is left to more than one heir who controls whether it is sold?

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I believe there is usually a trustee(s) that determine things like that. Otherwise, a mutual decision has to be made which can often times ruin families especially if the house has been in one family for many years and one person does not want it sold for sentimental reasons. When property is left to several heirs, they all become joint owners of that property. No one person has the right to decide on the disposition of the land simply because he may own a larger percentage of the property than some others. Nor does majority of owners rule. If some want to sell and some do not, usually the ones who do not want to sell just buy out the others interests on an agreed upon price. If they cant agree on a price, then any owner may file a lawsuit called an action in partition. Although it is called a partition action, the property is never physically divided unless the owners agree. Usually the court will order that the property be sold at public bidding. The owners that do not want to sell will have to beat whatever price the bidding goes to or the high bidder gets to buy the property and the owners get their percentages. (Minus all of their legal fees and court costs, of course.)

If you lightly push your spouse after many years of marriage is it fair to be labeled a physical abuser?

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Only your your spoouse can answer this, reguardless of how long you are married, shoulld women tolerate this. There is no excuse for ANY FORM OF PHYSICAL, VERBAL ,OR OTHER ABUSE. As a man you should know that, your wife deserves your respect at all times. Mabye your wife is asking you to get help, sort out your own problems and be the man you were 27years ago.Having experieenced domestic violence myself' leaving a marriage, may I wish you luck. If necessary go for counselling,apologise and mean it GOOD LUCK I would say, that would be an accurate description, yes. Whatever the circumstances are that lead up to the "pushing", there is obviously something seriously wrong, if one can push the other. Get some help, now. No one deserves to be physically intimdated or pushed, hit, slapped, punched, bitten, kicked etc etc.

How many days are there in 40 years including leap years?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leap year every 4 years, so there are 10 leap years: (365 x 40) + 10 = 14,610 days

How many liters of water are in your tank 2ft long and 1ft high and 1ft wide and a half feet high?

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The problem is to convert cubic feet to liters.

Starting with 1 cu ft = 28.3168 liters

2 ft x 1 ft x 1 ft tank volume = 2 cu ft capacity

If tank is only half full that would be 1 cu ft of water which = 28.3168 liters

What is cyanocobalam 1000 mcg inj amer rege?

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Its vitamin B-12 injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously. This can be self administered or received at the Dr's office. A shortage of B-12 has been shown

to affect both the quality and amount of sleep you get.

What important contributions were made by Muslims from about 700 to about 1200?

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One of the little known contributions made by muslim scientists, was the position of the sun in relation to earth, thereby allowing for the calculation of the length of a year...

Another one was using the position of the sun and the horizon to calculate the height of the ground above sea level, this was done accruately to within roughly 30cm's of the actual height of the mountains measured using the formula that was presented

There were numerous contributions made towards the physiology side of things as well, although I am not familiar with too many of them

Do our brains run on binary code?

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Lets just say nobody knows how the brain works deep deep down. But there are binary things in the brain, like a neuron will either output a 1 (it fires) or a zero (it does nothing) depending on the number of electrical pulses sent to the neuron

Convert mg per ml to percent?

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Easy cheesy.

In biochemistry and a few other disciplines, concentrations of weight per volume are always g/100ml (percent is always "per one hundred".)

1mg/ml is equal to 0.01g/ml or 1g/100ml also known as 1%.

How long can cough mixture be kept once in use?

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It should tell you on the bottle. If it has a use by date and doesn't say "once opened use within..." go by the use by date.

If there was children and they found 10 heads and 60 legs of spiders and lizards altogether how many spiders and lizards were there altogether?

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Asked by Wiki User

There were five lizards and five spiders. x+y=10 4x+8y=60 x=10-y 4(10-y)+8y=60 40-4y+8y=60 40+4y=60 4y=20 y=5 x+5=10 x=5