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Q: According to what all geologic changes occur as rare sudden disasters?
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Related questions

What is an example of a sudden geologic process?

volcanic eruption

What is a sign that a person may need help for a mental disorder?

Experiencing sudden changes in interests or hobbies (APEX)

What is the manager role in sudden changes?

The role of a manager in sudden changes is to ensure that there is a smooth transition. The manager has the duty to ensure that all departments adapt to the changes swiftly.

Do geologic processes only occur gradually?

No. Some processes such as landslides, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions are sudden events.

What words does not describe catastrophic geologic change a. sudden b. widespread c. gradual d. rare?


Can explain sudden changes in inheritance patterns?


What are all signs of indicating sudden emotions?

Signs of indicating sudden emotions include changes in facial expression (such as wide eyes or a furrowed brow), changes in voice tone or volume (like raised pitch or yelling), increased heart rate and breathing, and physical movements (like pacing or fidgeting). Other signs may include sweating, blushing, or sudden changes in behavior.

What are the signs of approaching wheather?

changes in windspeed or direction, sudden changes in air pressure or temperature. Or humidity.

What are 3 landforms created by sudden and gradual changes?

Sudden changes: Cracks in the Earth from earthquakes, lava plateaus from volcanic reactions, Gradual changes: mountains, coasts, river valleys, glacial valleys naja-stewart naja-stewart2

What affects the slow Chang of evolution?

sudden changes in the enviornment........???i think???:)

Why are dramatic sudden changes in personality difficult to believe?

Dramatic sudden changes in personality are difficult to believe because they typically go against the idea that personality is stable and consistent over time. People tend to view personality as relatively fixed, developed over a long period, so abrupt changes can be seen as out of character. Additionally, sudden changes may raise questions about authenticity and trustworthiness, leading to skepticism.

Why do disruptive selection pressures tend to favor rapid evolutionary changes?

They result in sudden gene frequency changes.