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Adam Smith made the argument that free trade produced the wealth of nations through what he called the invisible hand. The invisible hand refers to the way the marketplace is self-regulating. Smith was a Scottish philosopher.

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Q: Adam Smith argued that free trade produced the wealth of nations through?
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What was the name of the book published in 1776 that changed the way things were produced?

the wealth of nations

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the wealth of nations

What is the book called the Wealth of Nations about?

Mainly, the Wealth of Nations is about the benefits of a free market economy and how the government should leave economic decisions to individual households and firms without regulation or intervention because it is argued to be more productive and beneficial for society.

What is the main inference that can be drawn from Adam Smith and book The Wealth of Nations?

The main inference from Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" is that free markets, when allowed to operate without interference, can lead to economic prosperity and overall wealth accumulation for society. Smith argued that individuals pursuing their own self-interest within a competitive market system would unintentionally benefit society as a whole through the concept of the "invisible hand."

Marx argued that all wealth is produced by?

Marx argued that all wealth is produced by labor, and that the value of goods and services is determined by the amount of socially necessary labor time required for their production.

How did marx argue that all wealth is produced-?

Marx argued that all wealth is produced through labor. He believed that labor is the source of value in society and that the capitalist system exploits labor to generate profits for the ruling class. Marx's labor theory of value asserts that the value of a commodity is determined by the amount of socially necessary labor time required to produce it.