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Was an essential and complete victory.

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Q: Admiral Dewey's attack on the Spanish Navy in Manila?
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Actions of the Spanish American War?

The first was the attack in Manila Bay by Admiral George Dewey.

Did Commodore George Dewey lead the attack on the Spanish fleet in Cuba?

No, Admiral Sampson commanded in the Caribbean and Admiral Dewey at the Battle of Manila Bay.

Where did the Spanish-American War start?

It began with Admiral George Dewey's Naval attack on the Spanish Fleet in Manila Bay.The first battle was on 1 May 1898 at Manila Bay.

Who led the Naval attack of the Spanish-American War?

Admiral George Dewey commanded at Manila Bay. Admiral William Sampson was absent when the Spanish Fleet began to break out a Santiago but rushed back to assist Admiral Winfield Scott Schley in the destruction of the Spanish Caribbean Squadron.

What Admiral Dewey destroyed the Spanish fleet in this city's harbor?

Commodore George Dewey used the Asiatic Squadron to attack Manila Bay.

Why did us navy commodore george denwey lead an attack on ship in the manila bay during the spanish-american war?

He was ordered to attack the Spanish, and Manila Bay was where the Spanish warships were anchored.

Why was the first battle of the Spanish-American war fought at Manila Bay in the Philippines?

Because it was a Spanish Colony and Manila Bay was the home port of the Philippine Squadron of the Spanish Navy. Admiral Dewey sought out the fleet, located them in port, and destroyed the fleet.

What city did Admiral Dewey destroy?

Commodore George Dewey used the Asiatic Squadron to attack Manila Bay.

Admiral who led attack on spanish ships in the Philippines?

Matthew Calbraith Perry

George Dewey launched a surprise attack on the spanish in where?

During the Spanish-American War, George Dewey launched a surprise attack on the Spanish in Manila. This naval attack against the Spanish fleet occurred in 1898 at the start of the war, and the Spanish were defeated.

From where did American military strength during the Spanish American War come?

Tampa, Florida and strangely enough from Hong Kong. Admiral Dewey assembled the Asiatic Squadron there from various ports, took on stores and coal and launched his attack on Manila Bay.

Why did the Spanish American War start in the Philippines rather than Cuba?

Commidore George Dewey's Fleet was in Hong King when war was declared and his orders were to attack the Philippine Fleet under Admiral Patricio Montojo at Manila. The intention was to isolate the Spanish Army so that it could not be used to threaten Caribbean operations.