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The Hutus, making up 84% of the population in Rwanda.

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Related questions

Who are the Hutus?

The Hutus are a group of members from a Bantu farming group of Rwanda and Burundi in Central America.

What is a Rwandan ethnic group?

The three ethnic groups in Rwanda are Hutu, Tutsi and Pygmy.

What ethnic group originally controlled Rwanda and Burundi?

The Tutsis

Which two ethnic group were fighting for control of rwanda?

the hutus and tutsis

Does The Russian ethnic group includes Slavs?

Yes, Slavs are the majority ethnic group in Russia.

What ethnic group do the people of cambodia belong to?

In Cambodia, there really is no one ethnic group, but the majority are Khmer. =)

What does ethnic minority mean?

An ethnic minority is an ethnic group that does not form a majority, or is not a subgroup of a larger ethnic group that forms the majority. An ethnic group is an identity based on common ancestry, language, religion, physical appearance and geography. Not all of those are required for an ethnic group, but some are. A minority is a group that does not form over 50% of the population, in a population where there is another group that does form over 50% of the population.

What is the largest ethnic gronp in china?

A majority of Chinese belongs to the Han ethnic group.

The ethnic group of both Serbia and Russia?

The ethnic group that includes the majority population in both Serbia and Russia are the Slavs.

Is Hutu a city?

No....The Hutu are a central African group of people from Rwanda and Burundi

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Which ethnic group has darkest skin?

African Natives