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Q: After atoms and molecules of gases and liquids are heated they move away from the heat . what takes their place?
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Does atoms and molecules of gases and liquids are heated they sink?

after atoms and molecules of gases and liquids are heated, they sink?

After atoms and molecules of gases and liquids are heated they?


When molecules in liquids and gases are heated they?

When molecules in liquids and gases are heated they move faster

What happens to liquids and gases as they are heated?

The molecules in side move or spread apart

What are the particles atoms and molecules of gases solids and liquids?

All materials are formed from atoms.

Can the atoms and of molecules of gases and liquids move from place to place?

Yes. They are able to flow.

What are liquids and gases made up of?

Liquids and gases are made up of molecules that are free to move relative to each other. In liquids, the molecules are closer together and are able to flow, while in gases, the molecules are further apart and move around randomly. The main difference between the two is the level of intermolecular forces holding the molecules together.

What happens to solid liquids and gases when they are heated?

Solids ---heat---> Liquids ---more heat---> gases

Which Gas rises fast when released?

Solids and liquids are composed of atoms or molecules that are held together by various kinds of chemical bonds, whereas gases are composed of independently moving particles that are not held together, therefore they are free to expand.

What happens when you heat gas and liquids?

When you heat gases, they expand and their molecules move faster, resulting in increased pressure within the container. When you heat liquids, they will evaporate and turn into gas, as the molecules gain enough energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together.

Do molecules make items?

Yes, all items contain - or are comprised from - molecules. Liquids , solids, and some gases are made from molecules, the rest are made up of Atoms.

Why neither liquids nor gases have fixed shapes?

Gases don't have a definite shape because the molecules aren't tightly packed together like solids and liquid's molecules are. The molecules in the gas are spread out and move freely about quickly in all directions.