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Q: After the fugue subject is stated the second entrance is called the?
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Who first stated this qoute my favorite subject myself?

James Boswell first stated this.

What is Laurent's second name?

its not really stated in the book.

What is the story's subject?

The subject is the topic of the text. Or what the text is about. It can usually be stated in a single word.

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That type of sentence is called a declarative sentence. It states a fact or provides information about a subject.

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Yes Improve answer- In May 2010 Tyra stated that she was writing a novel called Modelland and that this would be a three part series.

What is the subject in this sentence Get more popcorn please?

The subject in this sentence is not stated it is implied. It is you.(Can) you get more popcorn please?

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The Second Punic War stated in 218 BC and ended in 202 BC.

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This is an imperative sentence and the subject is implied (not stated). In imperative sentence the implied subject is 'you'.

Where is life liberty and pursuit of happiness stated?

In the beginning of the second paragraph of the Declaration.

Did slade from the Teen Titans have kids?

Slade Wilson did not have two kids like the previous person stated. He had three children. His first son, was called Grant, his second son Joseph (or Joey) and his last child was a girl called Rose.

Is an understood subject first person?

Yes, an understood subject typically refers to "I" in first person. This means that the subject "I" is implied but not explicitly stated in the sentence.