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Q: Air blowing through a room that rhymes with craft?
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What does an air blowing through a room that rhymes with craft?


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If your room is warm is it better to have your fan blow the warm air out of your window or to have it blow cold air into your room?

I know this is an incomplete answer, but that depends on a variety of factors: is the room in a large building or small one? Is it being heated or not? Is it in the sunshine or at night? What's its orientation? Are you in a humid or dry climate? There are a lot of factors that contribute to the heating and cooling capacity of a room. Having said that, I would imagine that in most cases blowing cool air into your room will cool it more quickly. Blowing the warm air out is effective for moving air through the room via negative pressure, but any cooling derived from this method presupposes that the air entering into the room is cooler than the room itself (not likely the case in most situations). However, if the room is on the west side of a building in the afternoon, blowing air outside may cool it more than blowing air in due to orientation and solar gains.

What rhymes with freeway?

Leeway :D (as in slack or extra room)