

Airsoft team tactics

Updated: 10/23/2022
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12y ago

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There are a number of things you can do:

*When moving, real army has roles of where each person covers.

*They also have roles of what each person does (support gunner, sniper, rifleman, spotter, ect,)

*When we are travelling in a team all-together, and everyone is in sight, we do "Drop N Shoot". We consider it safe to assume if we see someone, they are the enemy, if we know where we all are. So we drop down to a lying position on the ground and open fire.

*If your team is split, do not just have the entire unit blaze up any person that pops up. If it's one person, consider yelling "Freeze!" or something. They might back down and surrender if they know how bad they are outnumbered. And if it happens to be a friendly, well you successfully didn't light them up.

*Trying sending a scout a few paces ahead. Scouts are specifically useful for close quarters and corners more than long open ranges. Contrary to what many questions I have been asked are, a scout is not the most useless person on your team armed with a spring pistol. We usually pick someone relatively stealthy, with a close quarters gun (a MP5 for example), that is not carrying many supplies.

*When travelling, stay a few steps apart. This means if you get ambushed, you are more spread out and not bundled up, You are also not all going to die from 1 Tornado grenade or a long burst of automatic fire.

*Keep moving and do not try to hole up in one place, unless its for reconaissance of the area (must be quick) or an ambush or to re-rally of lost players or to gather more supplies from a spot or re-load/re-equip. No matter the reason, you don't want to be caught there for long.

*Do not separate if you get attacked. This makes you easy targets to single out. Keep in the same area but not right beside each other.

*Keep coordinated and in contact. An un-coordinated team is a lot more useless. Contact can mean you get positions down and defend areas with more victories.

*Higher ground is always better. But this doesn't mean you should camp at the top of a small hill.

*Everyone do their share, and if you are trying to gather lost players or some people need to re-equip and you happen to get stuck in a spot defending, find the best spot and hold it. Retreating may buy you a minute or so while they advance, but if other players were holding the line they now have to span out more, or retreat aswell. It is easy for someone from your team to get hit or for them to rush you and collapse your spot. Happened to my team once when a guy decided to pull back on the right flank, and the whole position fell down. We had to retreat in random and we lost a guy in the fallback.

*Remeber to use leapfrogging and cover fire. Cover fire is successfull in advancing, you aren't a hard target if there is no danger of popping your head up and shooting at you. But if your taking fire, you can't get up and shoot so easy, especially for a long time.

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