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Alkali metals are in the first column (group) of the Mendeleev Periodic Table of elements.

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Q: Alkali metals are the elements in the what column?
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What family of elements is in the leftmost column?

alkali metals

Is alkali a nonmetal?

The elements in the alkali column of the periodic table are metals.

What does the elements on the left side of the periodic table do?

The first column on the left are alkali metals. Then alkali earth metals then the middle section is transition metals

Which set of elements make up the reactive group of all metals?

The alkali metals in column 1 of most wide-form periodic tables.

What column number on the periodic table are elements called alkali metals?

This is the group 1.

Why are sodium and potassium the two most important alkali metals?

They are the two most abundants of the alkali metals

Which column contains the most reactive elements?

The first two groups--alkali metals and the alkali earth metals--are the most reactive.

What elements is an alkali metal?

The elements in the first group of the periodic table are all alkali metals, which are, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, francium.

What metal is alkali metal?

This is the first column in the Periodic Table. There are six metals that are "Alkali Metals" and six that are "Alkali Earth Metals". The Alkali metals are:LithiumSodiumPotassiumRubidiumCaesiumFranciumThese metals get more reactive as you go down the list...Hope I helped :D

Where are alkali-earth metals located on the periodic table?

The alkali earth metals are in the 2nd group, or column of the periodic table. They are bordered by the alkali metals on the left and the transition metals on the right.

Which Group is in the leftmost column on periodic table?

The Alkali metals or group I metals are found at the left.

What name is given to group one elements in the periodic table?

The elements in Group 1 of the periodic table are called the alkali metals. The elements that make up this group are Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, cesium, and Francium. Hydrogen is not in this group even though it may look like it. The alkali metals are highly reactive metals that do not occur freely in nature. These metals have only one electron in their outer shell making them ready to lose that one electron in ionic bonding with other elements. Some other cool facts are: --Like other metals, alkali metals are malleable, ductile, and are good conductors of heat and electricity --The alkali metals are softer than most other metals. --Alkali metals can explode if they are exposed to water.