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Resources are limited .

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Q: All goods and services are scarce because the resources that compose them are scarce?
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Why goods and services are scarce?

All resources are scarce.

Why all goods and services are scarce?

All resources are scarce.

True or false all goods and services are scarce?

True. Because all resources are limited and become scarce.

Economics is about the production of goods and services which requires the allocation of what?


What is called the use of scarce resources for production of goods and services?


The use and distribution of scarce resources for production of goods and services?


What does the study of economics focus on?

what scarce resources are used to produce goods and services.

Why are resources scarce?

There are unlimited wants for these resources, but there are only a limited amount of resources in this world. Therefore they are considered scarce.

Why resources scarce?

because of income and taxes

Using examples of land labor and capital explain why economists believe that all goods and services are scarce?

Economists believe that all goods and services are scarce because all the resources used to create them are scarce. It's like a cycle. Land is all the natural resources that create all the goods and services, if this is scarce then there would be no coal or oil to fuel machines that help keep the natural resources going (capital). If there are no machines to work with then the job becomes hard for workers to do, meaning very few people would do such a job (labor). It's all a cycle of limited resources.

What is the evidence that resources are scarce?

There are four economic resources: Land, Labor, Capital and Entrepreneurship. These resources are scarce relative to human wants. They are never available in sufficient quantity to produce goods and services to satisfy all human wants. Thus, because when humans desire something or something more, the resources are slowly used up.Therefore, this leads to scarce resources. I took this from my Economics notes.

What are resources in terms of economics?

resources are scarce,.the concepts of scarcity arises from the scarce resources or simply resources for short.