

All kinds of figure of speech?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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14y ago

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Figure of speech is the use of word or phrase to interpret a certain idea. The second figure of speech means, continuing the same sentence or making a comparison with the idea in the previous sentence.

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Q: All kinds of figure of speech?
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8 kinds of figure of speech?

Simile: comparing two unlike things using "like" or "as" (e.g. "as brave as a lion"). Metaphor: direct comparison between two unlike things (e.g. "time is a thief"). Personification: giving human qualities to something non-human (e.g. "the sun smiled down on us"). Hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally (e.g. "I've told you a million times"). Alliteration: repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words (e.g. "peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers"). Onomatopoeia: words that imitate sounds (e.g. "buzz," "crash"). Oxymoron: putting two contradictory words together (e.g. "bittersweet," "deafening silence"). Irony: words used to convey a meaning that is opposite of the literal meaning (e.g. a fire station burning down).

What figure no one can see?

A figure of speech

What is a silmile?

Do you mean "simile"? a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds (usually formed with `like' or `as')

What figure of speech is love conquers all?

An adage.

Figure of speech according to similarities?

figure of speech according to categories

What is the Tagalog of figure of speech?

The Tagalog term for "figure of speech" is "larawang-diwa."

Is it was a dark and stormy night a complete sentence?

Yes, "It rained all night." is a complete sentence.

Give him credit is an example of what figure of speech?

figure of speech is a kind of a style. the credit of this is point of figure.

What figure of speech is Munch and Crunch?

They are verbs

What is the figure of speech in all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweaten this little hand?

It is hyperbole

What figure of speech is as slippery as glass?


What is the figure of speech in the first line?

The figure of speech in the first line is Simile.