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Q: All liquids and gases are classified as what six letter word?
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What is the compressibility of a fluid?

Compressibility of a fluid is a measure of how much its volume decreases when subjected to pressure. It is defined as the reciprocal of bulk modulus. The compressibility of a fluid depends on its density and the strength of intermolecular forces.

Can conduction travel through liquids or gases?

Yes, conduction can occur in liquids and gases, although it is less efficient compared to solids. In liquids and gases, conduction is primarily due to the transfer of heat by the collision of molecules. Materials like metals are better conductors than liquids and gases because their molecules are more closely packed.

What is meant by incompressible viscous fluid?

An incompressible viscous fluid is a fluid that does not change density when subjected to pressure and shear stress. In other words, its density remains constant under different pressures. Viscous fluid refers to the fluid's resistance to shear deformation or flow, indicating its thickness or stickiness.

What is the scientific definition for the word Displace?

In science, "displace" means to move an object or substance from its original position to a new location. This can refer to the movement of liquids, gases, or even solid objects. Displacement can also refer to the volume of a fluid that is moved when an object is placed in it.

Are airwater and steam all fluids?

The word "fluid" means "something that is capable of flowing". Both gases and liquids are fluids in this sense, though it's more common in casual use to use the term strictly for liquids.

Related questions

What is the compressibility of a fluid?

Compressibility of a fluid is a measure of how much its volume decreases when subjected to pressure. It is defined as the reciprocal of bulk modulus. The compressibility of a fluid depends on its density and the strength of intermolecular forces.

What is a 7 letter word for beverage?


What does the scienctific word mixture mean?

The Scientific Word Mixture is any amount of solids liquids or gases as long as they do not react .

What is meant by incompressible viscous fluid?

An incompressible viscous fluid is a fluid that does not change density when subjected to pressure and shear stress. In other words, its density remains constant under different pressures. Viscous fluid refers to the fluid's resistance to shear deformation or flow, indicating its thickness or stickiness.

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10 letter word for all the gases which surround a star or planet?


Three letter word the invisible mixture of gases surrounding the earth?


How are air and water both fluids?

Air and water are both considered fluids because they can flow and change shape easily. They both conform to the shape of their container and exhibit characteristics of fluid dynamics, such as viscosity and density. This allows them to exert pressure on objects they come into contact with.

What is used to heat up large amount of liquids it is a six letter word?


Are airwater and steam all fluids?

The word "fluid" means "something that is capable of flowing". Both gases and liquids are fluids in this sense, though it's more common in casual use to use the term strictly for liquids.

More oxygen will in colder water than in warmer water?

The warmer the water the less oxygen it holds.