

All tenses of wake

Updated: 12/19/2022
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15y ago

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Infinitive: to wake

Past tense: woke

Past participle: woken


* My baby woke at 4 am again this morning! (past simple) * My baby wakes at 4 am. (present simple) * I expect she will wake at 4 am again tomorrow (future simple) * She was waking at 3 am every morning,...(past simple continuous) * ..but she is waking at 4 am now. (present continuous) * .and I expect she will be waking at 4 am tomorrow. (future continuous) * My baby had just woken when the doctor arrived. (past perfect) * My baby has woken, so you can come in. (present perfect)

* Yes, come at 8 am, by that time my baby will havewoken. (future perfect) * When that dog started to bark, my baby had been waking anyway. (past perfect continuous) * My baby has been waking at 4 am every day. (present perfect continuous) * It takes me about half an hour to fully wake up. My alarm always goes off at 6 am and I get up at 6.30. So, if you phone at 6.05 I will have been wakingfor only five minutes! (future perfect continuous) * The baby was woken this morning by next door's dog barking. (passive form)

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