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worship only one god

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Q: Amenhotep IV wanted egyptians to be monotheistic meaning that he wanted people to?
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What gods do Jewish people beileve in?

Judaism is monotheistic meaning that we only believe in one God, The Creator.

What did the Egyptian people do with their beliefs when amenhotep the 4 died?

They returned to their ancient beliefs under Amenhotep's sucessor, Tutanchamon.

Who tried to make ancient Egyptians believe in a new religion what was the result?

After the reign of the gentle and dependable Amenhoptep III, Amenhotep IV - his son - came into power. Amenhotep IV claimed that the god Aten - a secondary sun god in the Egyptian religion - had spoken to him, and that Aten had proclaimed himself the only god. Amenhotep IV supported this wholeheartedly. He changed his name to Akhenaten, which means "Servant of Aten," as well as forcing all the priests and common people to give up worshiping all the other gods and to devote themselves entirely to Aten. He also moved the capitol from Thebes to a new city he ordered built called Akhetaten - today called Amarna. Grudgingly, the Egyptians went along with all this - what choice did they have? He was the Pharaoh, he was part god himself. However, common people often worshiped their old gods in the privacy of their homes.Akhenaten revolutionized Egyptian religion. He invented the first monotheistic religion. However, he deprived his empire and caused stress amongst his people, and after he died, his young son came into power and the high priests rushed to erase all the changes he made.

Were the people of the Indus River valley civilization monotheistic society?

The people of the Indus River valley were not a monotheistic society.

Do Egyptians still believe in polytheism?

Almost all modern Egyptians are either Muslim (the great majority) or Christian. Therefore, they are monotheistic, not polytheistic.

What is the name of the Egyptian ruler who required people to worship one god?


What are Egyptians?

Egyptians are people from Egypt. The people of Egypt are called "Egyptians" as we, the people who live in America, are called Americans.

Are the semitic religions monotheistic or polythiestic?

monotheistic mainly, but people of semitic origin have often other religious believes, also. If they belong to Judaism or Islam they are monotheistic.

Judaism is Monothiestic or Polythestic?

Monothiestic. This is core to Judaism.

What is the name of the sun god pharaoh amenhotep's 4 forced his people to worship?


The name of the sun god Pharaoh Amenhotep IV forced his people to worship?


How did people worship ancient gods?

the Egyptians built temples and put pictures of their ears meaning that they were listing to the ancient gods.