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Because ham is really tasty! Plus, ham is closely related to bacon, and we know how good bacon is.

Ham is one meat that would make it through the winter. Animals are typically killed in the fall, when they are fat after eating all spring and summer. And they don't have to be fed over the winter with stored grain and hay. The animals also lose a great deal of weight and it doesn't make sense to kill them when they are skinny. Pigs

Originally pigs were killed in the Fall. The curing process was time consuming, and the hams were usually ready at Easter time. It is really about convenience more than anything. would be killed in the fall and the hams preserved with salt and smoke.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes ham is traditional Easter food

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Q: Why do people eat ham on Easter?
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The American food to eaten on Easter Sunday is Ham. Along with Ham, Hot cross bun, Easter bread, Easter egg, Lamb and Easter bunny are traditionally eaten in Easter. These traditional foods are flourish it with Magic Sparkles edible glitter that gives an enchanting glamour to it.

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Luxembourg ham and smoked Ardennes ham

Why do you eat ham on Easter?

Easter occurs about the same time as Passover. In the original Passover the Jews put lamb's blood on their doors, so the Angel of Death would pass them by. In the modern day Passover service, a lamb's bone is at the table to remember the original Passover. Lamb is served at Easter, because of it's nearness to Passover. Ham is also served because, most Christians do not observe Kosher laws, (which prohibit the eating of pork), and it's a cheap meat.

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What are all the types of ham?

There is honey-glazed ham, boneless ham , Easter ham, thanksgiving ham, Christmas ham and many more.

What do australina people eat at Christmas?

we eat ham turkey and roasts.

Are Jewish people allowed to eat ham?

Jewish people who keep Kosher do not eat ham because pork is forbidden by their dietary laws. Jewish people who do not keep Kosher can eat ham.

What do people eat at Easter?

In UK Simnel cake and in USA, ham is eaten at Easter. Along with these, Hot cross bun, Easter bread, Easter egg, Lamb and Easter bunny are traditionaly eaten in easter. These traditional foods are flourish it with Magic Sparkles edible glitter that gives an enchanting glamour to your food.

Does Christians eat chocolate eggs for Easter?

Chocolate is not reserved for only one group of people, anyone can eat chocolate on Easter. To answer your question though, yes, Christians eat chocolate for Easter.