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pH levels

I gave you four because I'm nice :)

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7y ago
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16y ago

"Abiotic" means "non-living." So you've got your water, everything the water carries with it including minerals and sediment, and rocks.

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14y ago

Weather, Climate, and Chemical and Geological Factors.

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13y ago

Three abiotic factors are the; temperature, water depth, and nutrients.

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13y ago

An abiotic factor in freshwater ecosystem is probably a tree.

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10y ago

1. salinity of water

2. temperature of water

3. pollution

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11y ago

The amount of light

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Q: An abiotic factor in fresh water ecosystems?
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What are an abiotic factor in fresh water ecosystems?

Rocks and sand.

What is one abiotic factor in freshwater ecosystems?


What abiotic factor that can be found in a rain forest ecosystems?

Oxygen (apex)

What is one important abiotic factor in freshwater ecosystems?

Organisms can't live without abiotic factors. Example of Abiotic Factors: Water Temperature Water depth Amount of sunlight that passes through the water

What is an aquatic abiotic factor?

An example of an aquatic abiotic factor is water temperature. This physical factor can impact the survival and behavior of organisms in aquatic ecosystems. Other abiotic factors in aquatic environments may include pH levels, dissolved oxygen concentration, and salinity.

Is water a biotic factor in an environment?

Yes, water is an abiotic factor, as it is nonliving.

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they are both marine ecosystems

What is the most important abiotic factor that affects Delaware?

The most important factor is water. Water itself is abiotic as it is not alive.

Is water a biotic factor?

no it is not it is abiotic

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What are some common abiotic factors in most ecosystems?

Some abiotic factors are water, temperature, air, rocks, etc.