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Hyperplasia is the term used to describe the enlargement of an organ due to an abnormal increase in the cells in the tissue. Chronic inflammatory response is one of the causes of hyperplasia.

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Q: An abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangement in a tissue is known as?
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What word means an abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in the tissues?


What is an increase in the number of abnormal leukocytes?

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An astrogliosis is an abnormal increase in the number of astrocytes due to the destruction of neurons.

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Hyperplasia is defined as?

Hyperplasia is the increase in the number of cells in an organ or tissue, leading to an enlargement of that specific area. It is a physiological response to stimuli and can occur as a result of increased demand or as part of the body's normal growth and development process. Hyperplasia differs from hypertrophy, which is the increase in cell size without an increase in cell number.

What is the Enlargement of an organ or tissue because of an abnormal increase in the number of cells in the tissues?


What does relative monocytosis mean?

Monocytosis refers to an abnormal increase in the number of monocytes in the blood.

What is the medical term meaning abnormal condition of red embryonic cells?

Reticulocytosis is an abnormal increase in the number of reticulocytes, or immature erythrocytes (red blood cells).

How do you make7.2 into a normal number?

There's nothing abnormal about 7.2, and by implying that there is, you've hurt its feelings.