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Acceleration is a change in speed or direction. Acceleration like most variables in science is a quaternion, consisting of a real part and a vector part, a=ar + av.Unfortunately, our education system has not caught up to this fact and most students don't get to study vectors and hardly any get to study quaternions. An example of the real and vector acceleration is given in Gravity.

The gravitational energy is E=-GmM/r + mcV= -mu/r + mcV, the force of gravity is

F=(mv^2/r - mcv/r cos(x)) + (dmcV/cdt + Del x mcV - Del mu/r).

The acceleration is:

a= f/m= (v^2/r -cv/r cos(x)) + (dV/dt + cv/r sin(x)T' + v^2/r R/r)

The first parenthesis gives the real part of acceleration and the second parenthesis gives the vector part of acceleration. V^2/r is the centripetal acceleration and -cv/r cos(x) is the centrifugal acceleration.

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the answer is Velocity the answer is inertia

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13y ago

Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes. (Not speed.)

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rate of change of velocity

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Q: An acceleration can be a change in speed or a change in?
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How is acceleration related to the change in speed?

A change in speed (and/or direction) is acceleration.

Is acceleration the fastest kind of speed?

Acceleration is a measure of how quickly the speed of an object changes over time, not the speed itself. Speed refers to the rate at which an object covers distance, while acceleration refers to how the speed of the object changes. So, acceleration is not a kind of speed, but rather a measure of how speed changes.

What is the difference between constant speed and constant acceleration?

Constant speed means moving at a steady rate without any change in velocity, while constant acceleration means changing the velocity by the same amount in each unit of time. In other words, constant speed is uniform motion, while constant acceleration is when the velocity is changing at a constant rate.

How do you calculate time with speed and acceleration?

Average acceleration = Change in speed/time so Time = Change in speed/Average acceleration

The relationship of speed and acceleration?

Acceleration is the time rate of change of speed. Acceleration = speed/time.

For a car moving around a circular track at a constant speed the acceleration is?

constant speed=0 acceleration Acceleration is the change in speed. If the speed doesn't change(ie constant) the acceleration is zero.

What is the different between motion and acceleration?

Motion is about speed of location change, acceleration is about speed change.

How is increasing speed acceleration?

By definition acceleration is the change in velocity (speed).

How do you find the acceleration?

Acceleration = (change in speed) divided by (time for the change)

How is speed and acceleration related?

Speed is a scalar quantity that represents the rate at which an object is moving, while acceleration is a vector quantity that represents the rate of change of an object's velocity. Acceleration can affect the speed of an object by either increasing or decreasing it, depending on whether the acceleration is in the same direction as the object's motion or in the opposite direction. In general, the greater the acceleration, the faster an object's speed will change.

What is speed does not change over time called?

A change in speed is a change in velocity - so, a change in speed is an example of acceleration! Acceleration may be positive or negative. Negative acceleration is sometimes called deceleration. When a force acts on an object; it may change the object's acceleration (speed, direction, or both).

Can acceleration change with out increase or decrease speed?

yes the 3 types of acceleration are increased speed decrease speed or change in direction.