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Q: An aspirated object is more likely to lodge in the primary bronchus due to its structure.?
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Which primary-bronchus is the more likely site for an inspired object to become lodged?

The primary bronchus that is the more likely site for an inspired object to become lodged is the right bronchus. It has a straighter alignment compared to the left bronchus.

Which primary bronchus is the more likely site for an inspired object to become lodged?

The primary bronchus that is the more likely site for an inspired object to become lodged is the right bronchus. It has a straighter alignment compared to the left bronchus.

What is an aspirated object more likely to obstruct left bronchus or right bronchus?

The right main bronchus is wider and shorter and runs more vertically than the left main bronchus, therefore objects typically take this path of least resistance.

Which primary bronchus for an inspired object to become lodged?

The right primary bronchus is more likely to have an inspired object become lodged in itself because it is more wide than the left primary bronchus and is also located at a steeper angle. It is more wide because the right lung is larger and needs a wider bronchus for air to fill it up.

What is the function of your primary bronchus?

The right bronchus is a passage leading from the trachea/windpipe into the right lung. When objects are aspirated, they are more likely to end up in the right bronchus than the left because its angle at the carina (the point where the trachea divides into a left and right bronchus) is more vertical/leads more straight down

Which of the primary bronchi traps foreign object that entered the respiratory passageways?

Foreign objects that enter the respiratory passageways are more likely to become lodged in the right primary (main) bronchus.

Why nut can go into the right main bronchus instead of left main bronchus?

The right main bronchus, about 2.5 cm in length, is shorter, wider, and more nearly vertical than the left. Because it is in almost a direct line with the trachea--> foreign objects traversing the trachea are more likely to enter the right main bronchus.

Foregin objects that enter the trachea are more apt to pass into the right lung because of what?

Foreign objects which enter the Trachea are more likely to pass in to the right bronchus . This is because of the positioning of the bronchus which is more vertical than the left bronchus so the effect of gravity is more marked. It is also wider and shorter than the left bronchus.

When trauma patients aspirate pneumontis is likely why?

Pneumonitis is inflammation of the lungs, usually a symptom of infection. It is very likely that the aspirated fluid is contaminated, or that it irritates the lungs.

Does the secondary structure of a protein involve only the sequence of amino acids found in that protein?

While it is possible to predict likely secondary structures of a protein from its primary structure, only knowing the secondary structure, the general 3-D shape of local areas of the protein, cannot yield the primary structure.

In which part of the bronchial tree is peanut inhaled by a child whilst running likely to lodge?

If it doesn't stop in the trachea, the most likely direction it'll go is to the right mainstem bronchus (the right mainstem is wider and more vertical than the left).

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