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f = m a

a = f / m = 30/90 = 1/3 meter per second2= roughly 1/30th of gravity

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āˆ™ 13y ago
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āˆ™ 2w ago

Using Newton's second law (F = ma), the astronaut's acceleration can be calculated by dividing the force (30 N) by the astronaut's mass (90 kg). This results in an acceleration of 0.33 m/sĀ².

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Q: An astronaut of mass 90 kg walks in space outside her spaceship and receives 30-N force from a nitrogen spurt gun What is the acceleration does she experience?
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How is a spaceship launch?

a spaceship launch is an amusing sensation because the copmbination between the nitrogen and the fire released creats an enviromnent of fast and furios reaction. Thanks and hope you get an A ... with all my effort

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Nitrogen and Oxygen. I can only assume by the wording of you question that you are either an astronaut, on a ventilator or reside on some crazy distant planet.

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The sky appears dark to an astronaut in space because there is no atmosphere to scatter sunlight. On Earth, the blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering, where shorter blue wavelengths are scattered more than longer wavelengths. In space, without an atmosphere, there is no scattering, so the sky looks black.

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A molecule with hydrogen bonded to O, N, or F (Apex)

What happens if plants don't receive enough nitrogen?

If plants don't receive enough nitrogen, they may exhibit slow growth, yellowing of leaves (chlorosis), and reduced flower or fruit production. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth and plays a vital role in photosynthesis and various metabolic processes.

How is nitrogen proessed to pure form?

Nitrogen can be obtained in pure form through a process called fractional distillation of liquid air. This involves cooling air until it liquefies and then gradually increasing the temperature to separate nitrogen from other gases based on their boiling points. The nitrogen is then further purified through processes such as adsorption or catalytic conversion to remove any remaining impurities.

What are some substances in nitrogen?

Nitrogen is a gaseous element, that is, what is in nitrogen is nitrogen.

What is solid nitrogen called?

Solid nitrogen is called "nitrogen ice" or "nitrogen snow".