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photosyntisis light energy to chemical energy

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Q: An example of energy being converted from one form to another?
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Related questions

What is an example of solar energy being converted into chemical energy?

Green plants producing sugars is an example of solar engery being converted into chemical energy.

Is uranium decaying an example of energy being converted from one form of energy to another?

Yes, decay process transform nuclear energy in to heat.

Hands moving on a battery operated clock is an example of what kind of energy conversion?

Kinetic energy being converted to chemical potential energy

How can light energy change from one energy to another?

Depends on the type of energy being converted at hand

How a lamp shows energy being changed from on form to another?

it is electrical energy being converted to light energy or electron to photon conversion.

When plants perform photosynthesis they use sunlight to produce food. This is an example of light energy being converted to?

It is converted to chemical energy. They are in bonds of glucose

Which is an example of electrical energy being converted into light energy?

a flashlight bulb an LED the coil in a toaster

Water draining from a tower is an example of what kind of energy conversion?

Gravitational potential energy being converted to kinetic energy

Windmill is an example of what kind of energy transformation?

Gravitational potential energy being converted to kinetic energy

Is Niagara falls a good example of kinetic energy being converted to potential energy?

No. Other way around, yes: Niagara (or any waterfall) is an example of potential energy being changed to kinetic energy.

Hands moving on a battery operated clock is an example of what energy conversion?

Kinetic energy being converted to chemical potential energy

What Hands moving on a battery-operated clock is an example of what kind of energy?

Kinetic energy being converted to chemical potential energy