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7h ago

An igneous rock with very small mineral crystals most likely formed from a rapid cooling process. This rapid cooling prevents the minerals from growing larger, resulting in the fine-grained texture characteristic of rocks like basalt or rhyolite.

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Q: An igneous rock with very small minerals crystal most likely formed from?
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Would quartz or plagioclase be more likely to form a well shaped crystal in an igneous rock?

Quartz is more likely to form well-shaped crystals in igneous rocks due to its high viscosity and slow cooling rate, allowing for the growth of distinct crystal faces and shapes. Plagioclase, on the other hand, often forms more irregular or blocky crystals due to its lower viscosity and faster cooling rate.

How rocks are the same when they feel and look the same?

Rocks that feel and look the same likely share similar mineral composition and texture. Minerals present in the rock, as well as the way the rock formed (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic), contribute to its appearance and feel. Thus, rocks that appear and feel the same are likely to be composed of similar minerals and have undergone similar geological processes.

Vein of extremely large grained minerals?

This is likely a pegmatite, which is a type of igneous rock known for its exceptionally large crystals. Pegmatites can contain minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and mica that have grown to substantial sizes due to the slow cooling and high concentrations of elements in the magma from which they formed. These minerals are often sought after by collectors for their impressive size and clarity.

Lin found an igneous rock with large grains of mineral crystal where did this rock most likely form?

d. on the surface of the Earth

What is the texture of an igneous rock when it was formed from cooling maga deep beneath the earth?

It is likely to have a coarse-grained texture.

Consisting of layers of different minerals?

The rock is likely a type of sedimentary rock that forms through the deposition and compaction of sediments, such as sandstone or shale. The minerals in each layer may vary based on the composition of the original sediments and the processes that led to their formation. The distinct layers can provide information about the environment in which the rock was formed.

What rock would most likely to be found on a volcanic mountain?

you would normally find igneous rock which is formed by cooled magma.