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Q: An important mineral ion that is a component of chloroplasts and stabilizer of membranes and ribosomes is?
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What is an important mineral ion of the cytochrome pigments of cellular respiration?

Iron (Fe) is an important mineral ion that is a component of the cytochrome pigments involved in cellular respiration. It serves as a cofactor for the cytochrome proteins that are essential for the electron transport chain, which is a key process in generating ATP in cells.

Where can chlorophyll in chloroplasts?

Chloroplasts have Two membranes. pigments are in the thylakoid.

What are the flattened membranes I am chloroplasts called?

There are two membranes. Those are outer and inner membranes.

Does mitochondria have thylakoid membranes?

No they do not have. They are in chloroplasts

What are flattered membranes in chloroplasts called?

They are thylakoid membranes. Stacks Are called granna

What is the internal membranes found in chloroplast called?

Chloroplasts contain saclike photosynthetic membranes called thylakoids. The region outside the thylakoid membranes in the chloroplasts is called the stroma.

Chloroplasts and mitochondria have what kind of membranes?


How many membranes do chloroplasts contain?


What is a function of cholesterol that does not harm health?

Cholesterol is essential for the creation of cell membranes, hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, and vitamin D production when exposed to sunlight. Maintaining optimal levels of cholesterol is important for overall health, as it plays a key role in these vital functions within the body.

Why does thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts resemble those of cyanobacteria?

Thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts resemble those of cyanobacteria because chloroplasts are believed to have evolved from endosymbiotic cyanobacteria. During evolution, the cyanobacteria that were engulfed by a host cell eventually became mutually beneficial, leading to the development of chloroplasts. The structural similarity between the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts and cyanobacteria is a remnant of this evolutionary relationship.

Are the flatten membranes in chloroplasts called?

They are called thylakoids.

Is chlorophyll a term of the membranes of chloroplasts?

No,it is not. It is a term for the pigments