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no dont really known

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Q: An inflammation of the pleura that causes pleurodynia is know as?
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The innermost layer of the pleura is know as the?

Visceral Pleura

What is between the visceral pleura and parietal pleura?

The difference between these two pleura is that the parietal pleura is the outtermost covering of the lung which is adhered to the inner thoracic wall, while the visceral pleura is the lining which is directly adhered to the lung itself. The space between these two pleuras is know as the pleual cavity.

What is between the parietal pleura and the visceral pleura?

The difference between these two pleura is that the parietal pleura is the outtermost covering of the lung which is adhered to the inner thoracic wall, while the visceral pleura is the lining which is directly adhered to the lung itself. The space between these two pleuras is know as the pleual cavity.

Are fibromyalgia vitamins good for you?

Fibromyalgia is not a vitamin, it is a disease. It is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the joints. There is no cure and doctors do not know what causes a person to develop it. It causes chronic pain, so no, it's not good for you.

What is the name of the membrane that surrounds the lungs?

pleura but their are different types of pleura but im not sure if there's more than one._____Yes, there are more than one type of pleura. Immediately surrounding the lobes of the lungs is visceral pleura. There is also a layer of parietal pleura that surrounds both the lungs and their visceral pleura. Between the visceral and parietal pleura is a potential space that contains a thin layer of mucoid liquid, that some refer to as synovial fluid, although it is not true synovial fluid. This fluid allows the two layers of pleura to slide easily against one another when the lungs inflate and deflate during respiration.

What if you 55and have hepatitis c?

Well I guess it depends on if your body is able to withstand all the inflammation. As you probably already know Hepatitis C is caused by Hepatitis C Virus and causes inflammation in the liver and is usually present for many years.

What drugs are best for inflammation?

I have plantor fasciitis and need to know what inflammation tablets I can take

What is the difference in parietal and visceral peritoneum?

The difference between these two pleura is that the parietal pleura is the outtermost covering of the lung which is adhered to the inner thoracic wall, while the visceral pleura is the lining which is directly adhered to the lung itself. The space between these two pleuras is know as the pleual cavity.

Why is anosmia common after severe nasal cavity inflammation?

I sont know

How do you know if your back pain is an inflammation or a pinched nerve?

Talk to a doctor.

Inflammation and weakening of voluntary muscle is know as?

Myositis. Myositis refers to any condition causing inflammation in muscles. Weakness, swelling, and pain are the most common myositis symptoms. Myositis causes include infection, injury, autoimmune conditions, and drug side effects. Treatment of myositis varies according to the cause. Myomalacia- for severe damage. Myopathy for degerative disease

Is fibromyalgia worse than arthriits?

Fibromyalgia can cause pain and tire someone out mentally. Arthritis only causes pain due to inflammation. The problem is physicians don't really know what causes fibromyalgia, unlike arthiritis which is famously known. Fibromyalagia is harder to bear, so I think fibromyalgia is worse than arthiritis.