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Legislative committee, an interest group, and an executive agency.

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An iron triangle is typically formed between government regulators, industry representatives, and congressional committees. This alliance often leads to influence over government policies and decisions in favor of the involved parties.

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Q: An iron triangle is made up of an alliance between?
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What were the forts made of?

Forts were typically made of a combination of materials such as wood, stone, earth, and sometimes reinforced with metal elements like iron. The specific materials used depended on factors like location, time period, and available resources.

Is there any difference between contract and a bond?

Yes, there is a difference between a contract and a bond. A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms and conditions of their relationship, while a bond is a financial instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower, typically a corporation or government. Contracts involve the exchange of goods, services, or promises, while bonds involve the exchange of money with a promise to repay the principal amount plus interest at a later date.

The label given to the offer made by three french ministers in 1798 to renew diplomacy with the Us in return for a bribe?

The label given to the offer made by three French ministers in 1798 to renew diplomacy with the US in return for a bribe is known as the XYZ Affair. This incident strained relations between the two countries and led to an undeclared naval war known as the Quasi-War.

How are decisions made in an indirect democracy?

In an indirect democracy, decisions are made through elected representatives who act on behalf of the people. These representatives gather input from their constituents, debate legislative proposals, and ultimately vote on laws and policies. The decision-making process involves a balance between representing the will of the people and using their own judgment and expertise.

Is the afrika borwa 2003 coin made of gold If not what is it made of?

The Afrika Borwa 2003 coin is not made of gold. It is typically made of base metals like copper, nickel, or brass, and then coated with a thin layer of gold for aesthetics.

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He made the Triple Alliance. The Aztecs made an Alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan. He made an Alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan called the Triple Alliance. He made an Alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan called the Triple Alliance. He made an Alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan called the Triple Alliance. He made an Alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan called the Triple Alliance.

What is meant by the terms alliance?

An alliance is an agreement made between two or more countries to give each other help if it is needed.

What is the term for written agreements made between two countries or nation?

An alliance.

What is the difference between an angle and a triangle?

A triangle is made up of 3 angles, which equal 180 degrees.

What alliance was Germany part of?

In the 1879, the Dual alliance (Germany and Austria) was made and then Italy joined in 1882 which made the Triple alliance.

What country made an alliance with the US?

French made an alliance with the United States.

What are examples of an iron triangle?

a wrestling move An iron triangle is made up of an agency, interest group, and committee which all support the same thing. Like the Veterans Affair committee and agency and interest groups. The specific examples for an iron triangle for small business shown in the graphic are: small business administration, American Business Association, and Small Business Committee. Some people consider iron triangles a threat to democracy because they set up a small system in which everyone get what they want and what they need from each group of the triangle, leaving out other groups without participation, for the reason that they are not in the triangle.

What material are phone lines made of?

Telephone lines are made of iron or steel. Between the iron or steel core and the pipe is an insulating material. All Telephone lines are made and work this way.

What does a treaty means?

a formal agreement made between two or more countries, e.g. to end a war to form an alliance

What is meant by alliance?

It means an agreement made between two or more countries to give each other help if it is needed.

A sentence using the word alliance?

I can give you several sentences.They formed an alliance between the two countries.The king made an alliance with a neighboring king to defend against the evil kingdom to the south."Every time you make an Alliance character on WoW, Thrall kills a kitten." (it's a video game joke)

What is iron man's heart called?

If you mean that round, later triangle, advice in his chest, it is a so-called arc reactor. The round one was made with palladium (which in Iron Man 2 poisoned his body so he replaced it), the triangle one with an element that Tony "re-discovered" (I am not quite sure about the name though).