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9.8 meters per seconds squared in the downward direction.

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1w ago

The acceleration of the object would still be g downward, regardless of the angle at which it is thrown upward. The acceleration due to gravity always acts in the downward direction towards the center of the Earth. The only difference would be the horizontal component of the velocity due to the initial angle of the throw.

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G downward

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Q: An object is dropped and falls to the ground with acceleration of g if its thrown upward at an angle its acceleration would be 0 larger than g g upward g downward or none of the above?
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How does gravity effect the distance of egg splatter?

Gravity pulls the egg downward towards the ground, causing it to accelerate as it falls. The height from which the egg is dropped will affect the speed at which it impacts the ground, and therefore the distance the egg splatters. The higher the drop height, the greater the impact force, and the larger the splatter distance.

What happens when two objects with different masses are dropped under the same gravitational conditions?

Both objects will fall towards the ground at the same rate of acceleration due to gravity, regardless of their mass. This is known as the principle of equivalence between inertial and gravitational mass, as described by Newton's law of universal gravitation. The heavier object will have a larger gravitational force acting upon it, but both objects will experience the same acceleration.

Who has larger acceleration?

An object with a greater acceleration covers a larger change in velocity in a given time period compared to an object with a smaller acceleration. It is determined by the rate of change of velocity, with higher acceleration leading to a faster increase in speed.

Is it possible that two falling bodies of different mases to have same momentum while striking the ground?

No, two falling bodies of different masses cannot have the same momentum just before striking the ground unless they are falling under the same gravitational conditions. Momentum is a product of mass and velocity, so for two bodies with different masses to have the same momentum, their velocities would also have to be the same.

A tennis ball and a solid steel ball the same size are dropped at the same time which ball has the greater force acting on it?

Both balls experience the same force due to gravity while falling, regardless of their composition. However, the solid steel ball will exert a greater force when colliding with a surface due to its higher mass and density compared to the tennis ball.

Related questions

How does gravity effect the distance of egg splatter?

Gravity pulls the egg downward towards the ground, causing it to accelerate as it falls. The height from which the egg is dropped will affect the speed at which it impacts the ground, and therefore the distance the egg splatters. The higher the drop height, the greater the impact force, and the larger the splatter distance.

Is it possible that two falling bodies of different mases to have same momentum while striking the ground?

No, two falling bodies of different masses cannot have the same momentum just before striking the ground unless they are falling under the same gravitational conditions. Momentum is a product of mass and velocity, so for two bodies with different masses to have the same momentum, their velocities would also have to be the same.

Does a smaller object with the same force will accelerate the same than a larger object?

No, a smaller object will accelerate more than a larger object with the same force applied due to its lower inertia. In other words, a smaller object will experience a greater acceleration with the same force compared to a larger object.

Which acceleration has larger magnitude?


Do atoms get larger as they move downward in a column of Periodic Table?

Yes. Atoms get larger as they move downward in a column of periodic table. This is because of increase in number of shells down the group.

Does the force of gravity affect the rate of acceleration?

If you are asking the rate of acceleration on a surface, than the larger the force of gravity is, the more it will affect the rate of acceleration. The amount of friction depends one many variables, one of which is gravity. The larger your force of gravity is, the larger the force of friction is. Because of this, the more the force of gravity is, than the slower the rate of acceleration is because of the larger force of friction, which would be acting against the rate of acceleration. Therefore, the force of gravity does affect the rate of acceleration.

How does force affect stationary object of different masses?

Force accelerates stationary masses as acceleration a=f/m; theacceleration is inverse to the mass. The smaller the mass the larger the acceleration and the larger the mass the smaller the acceleration.

A tennis ball and a solid steel ball the same size are dropped at the same time which ball has the greater force acting on it?

Both balls experience the same force due to gravity while falling, regardless of their composition. However, the solid steel ball will exert a greater force when colliding with a surface due to its higher mass and density compared to the tennis ball.

Why is the relationship of force acceleration and mass fma?

This is easier to visualize if you rearrange, solving for acceleration: a = F/m. What this means is that a larger force will produce a larger acceleration. It also means that, since mass is in the denominator, in the case of a larger mass, there will be less acceleration. In other words, a more massive object is harder to accelerate (it is harder to speed it up or slow it down).

Does a larger planet have greater or less acceleration of gravity?

A larger planet has a stronger gravitational force.

What affects the acceleration?

According to Newton's Second Law, a = F/m. That means that acceleration is caused by a force; that a greater force will result in greater acceleration; and that a larger mass (of the object on which the force acts) will result in less acceleration.

If the child pushes you who will have the larger acceleration you or a child?

well it does depend on how much you weigh if you are a child then you both would have the same acceleration but if you are an adult then the child would have no acceleration. O: i am so smart.