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Assuming you want density: 18 g/3 cm3 = 6 gcm-3

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The density of the object is 6 g/cm3 (mass/volume).

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Q: An object with a mass of 18 grams occupies 3.0 cm3 of space is?
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What is an object that occupies space and has a discernible mass?

An object that fits this description is a physical object, such as a book or a table. These objects have volume and mass, which means they take up space and have weight.

What do you call a substance that has mass and occupies space?

an object

Volume density or mass are the same?

'Mass' = the amount of 'stuff' an object is composed of.'Volume' = the amount of space the object occupies.'Density' = (the object's mass) divided by (the object's volume), which is the same asthe amount of 'stuff' contained in each unit of space that the object occupies.

The amount of space an object occupies?

The amount of space that an object occupies is its volume, which is a measure of the three-dimensional space it takes up. Volume is typically measured in cubic units such as cubic meters or cubic centimeters.

Is it better to use volume or mass?

It depends what you are calculating. Volume is the amount of space on object occupies; mass is the amount of matter in an object.

Matter occupies space and has what?

Matter does.

That which occupies space and mass?

Matter is a substance that has mass and occupies space. It is made up of atoms and molecules and exists in various forms, such as solids, liquids, and gases.

Something that has mass and occupies space?

MATTER. Has a mass and volume(occupies space).

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Anything that has mass and occupies space?

Matter is something which occupies space and has mass.

What mass that occupies a certain volume of an object?

It is the mass of the object.

Measurement of the amount of space that matter occupies?

Volume is a measure of how much space a sample of matter occupies. the SI unit of volume is m3 .