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Q: An objects weight depends on its in the universe?
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What is the difference between gravity and weight?

-- Weight is the force that attracts objects toward each other. When wetalk about 'weight', one of the objects is usually the Earth.-- 'Gravity' is the characteristic of all mass in the universe that causes the forces.Gravity is the force whereas weight is the measurement of how much the force gravity affects something.

What type of measurement is used to measure weight?

Weight is a measurement on the continuous scale, and in measured in Newtons of pound-weights. It is a variable measure, which depends on the gravitational forces exerted by all other objects in the vicinity. [Theoretically, it is ALL other objects in the universe but since the effect drops off very rapidly, only nearby objects are relevant].

Why do scientists rely on mass rather than weight?

Because an objects mass is the same anywhere in the universe.

The pulling force that attracts all objects in the universe to all other objects in the universe?


Is The amount of an objects mass affected by gravity?

No. But the weight of that mass depends on the local gravity.

How might the objects found in the early universe differ from the objects found in the universe now?

In the early universe there was only Hydrogen and Helium (and a smidgen of Lithium).

Does gravity affect all or only some of the objects in the universe?

Gravity affects all of the objects in the universe, but then again, gravity doesn't affect the universe.

What are two factors that attraction of objects in the universe depend on?

Mass and charge are two factors that attract objects in the universe.

What is the property described by objects in the universe that are constantly moving around each other?

Objects that move around other objects in the universe are said to be orbiting it, or in orbit.

Will an object have any weight if there is no gravitational force acting on it?

Gravitational "force" acts between two objects. Each object "feels" the same force pulling it toward the other object. You and the earth are pulled toward each other, by a force that's called your "weight". Your weight on earth is the same as earth's weight on you. If there is only one object in the whole universe, and no other object exists, then the object that exists has no weight, because there is no gravitational force between two objects. But if there are two or more objects in the universe, then every two of them are attracted to each other, and the force between any two objects is called the "weight" of each object on the other one. That's as plain as I can make it. Can anyone hear me out there ?

What force of attraction that exists between all objects in the universe?

Gravity is the force of attraction that exists between all objects in the universe.

All objects in the universe are affected by what?
