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Q: An organism with dna could be alive because it has which sign of life?
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Why does being alive mean carrying out the life process?

Being alive means carrying out all the lifeprocesses because organisms need to carry outthese life processes in order to stay alive.

Why is the nucleus said to have the instructions for life?

Because the every nucleus in every cell of every organism contains DNA, which contains the code for the organism. The DNA contains the code for how to build an organism.

How is life possible at high temperature?

Life on earth is widely related to the evolution theory. May be a living organism adapt itself to a high temperature which could kill another living organism. But this process of adaptation may last for thousands of centuries. On the other hand, a living organism may adapt itself to a very low temperature, which could kill another living organism that is not adapted to extremely low temperature as well.

What is the smallest unit of life in all living things?

The cell is the smallest unit of life in all living things. It is the basic structural and functional unit of an organism.

At what point does a cell or cells become a living thing?

That depends how you define life and what a living thing is. As soon as the cell is capable of reproducing and is self sustaining then it is technically alive. In a developing embryo as soon as the cell begins it's first mitotic division it is alive - but there are arguments that could be made for gametes being alive. All cells capable of sustaining themselves are alive in the organisim. Some cells become so specialised that they are no longer capable of independent division, such as neurones, but are nonetheless alive Some cells remove all of their nuclear material and are therefore not alive in our definition (e.g. red blood cells, condrocytes that have specialised) but are still 'cells.' They were 'alive' and are not 'dead' so this blurs the line between our definition.At what point a cell become life in a religious or phillosphicall sence depends on your background and what you believe.An organism is greater than the sum of its parts and it is perhaps more help full to look at the larger organ or system to look for life.

Related questions

What is an organism that uses all the characteristics of life?

It's Alive.

What could be defined as life outside earth?

Life outside Earth would be defined as extraterrestrial life, or what might be referred to as alien. It would include any organism, plant or animal, that is "alive."

How do bread molds come to life?

Bread mold is an organism - a spore - so it is already alive. There is no "coming to life" involved.

Which term includes all the activities required to keep organism alive?

Metabolic processes or metabolism is the activity required to keep an organism alive. This process is the processing of food for life and energy for nutrients and nutrition.

Water and sunlight are two abiotic factors that are important to most organisms?

because the two are main parts of everyday life it helps organism's stay alive on the planet

What kingdom do gravel belong to?

Gravel is not an organism, it is not alive, thus it does not belong to any of the kingdoms of LIFE.

Why are cells called the units of life?

cell is called basic unit of life because every living organism is made up of more than one cell.

How is Sonic alive?

He is not alive in real life. In video games, he is alive because he is not dead. He lives because he is an animal.

What is the main difference a uni-cellular organism and a multi-cellular organism in the way that life processes are carried out?

Uni-cellular organisms perform all life processes within a single cell, while multi-cellular organisms have specialized cells that work together to carry out life processes. This means that uni-cellular organisms can function independently, while multi-cellular organisms rely on cell specialization and coordination.

Is bones physical science or life science or earth science?

life science if you study them in the human or animal body as a growing thing and part of a living organism. But if you study them as things that were once alive but are now being cut apart for observation, that is still life science but is sometimes confused for physical science because it is no longer part of a living organism.

Which term includes all of the activities required to keep an organism alive?

Homeostasis. It refers to the body's ability to maintain internal stability by adjusting its physiological processes to keep all systems in balance and functioning optimally for survival.

What is one life process of an organism that could be affected by a pH change?

One life process that could be affected by a pH change is enzyme activity. Enzymes function within a specific pH range, so a change in pH could alter the shape of the enzyme's active site, affecting its ability to catalyze a reaction efficiently.