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Q: Animal Farm was not a dystopia when Mr Jones ran it?
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What was the rebellion in Animal Farm?

The rebellion in Animal Farm happened when the animals were hungry and Mr. Jones wouldn't feed them. So they busted inside the food source to obtain their food. Soon after, they ran Mr. Jones and his men out, and that's how the revolution started.

In animal farm how does mollie look when she ran away?

cowardly and weak

What nicknames does Ran Jones go by?

Ran Jones goes by Ran.

What event lead to the beginning of the rebellion In animal farm?

The event that pushed the animals in "Animal Farm" to rebellion was the reading several different commandments from the animals' ten commandments. They realized that they were betrayed by Snowball.

What happens at the battle of cowshed in Animal Farm?

In the Battle of Cowshed, the animals in Animal Farm fought Mr. Jones and his men. Mr. Jones was the farmer of Manor Farm, but since the animals won the Rebellion, it is now called Animal Farm and owned by animals. The pigeons alerted the animals that Jones and his men were going to attempt an invasion on the farm to get it back. Jones and his men broke the barred door holding sticks while Mr. Jones was holding a shotgun. The animals fought wisely and Snowball, the cleverest pig on the farm, led the attack. Snowball ran right up to Jones and attacked him. Jones tried to fire at Snowball, but the sheep behind Snowball was shot and killed. Jones fell to the floor and his gun shot right up and fell into the mud. Boxer ran right up to a boy and attacked him with his tremendous force. The boy fell face first into the mud. Jones and his men were retreating, and the animals had won. After this, they all saw Boxer trying to make the little boy in the mud move, but he did not stir. Boxer didn't intend to take a life, even if it was a human. He forgot he was wearing his iron hooves. Snowball told him to not be guilty because "the only good human is a dead one". Boxer broke into tears. They realized Mollie wasn't there because she was hiding behind her stall the whole time like she did during the Rebellion. When the animals went away, the boy in the mud stood up and walked away. He wasn't killed and was just stunned.

Which is correct to use in the sentence mr jones and he or him ran the fair?

The correct way to say the sentence is, "Mr. Jones and he ran the fair."

Which is correct mr jones and he or him ran the fair?

Mr.Jones and (he, him) ran the fair is correct.

In the book animal farm how was Napoleon able to convince the other animals that snowball was a total traitor?

Napoleon convinces the farm animals with the help of Squealers help that Snowball is on the same side as Mr Jones and he also get the dogs that he raised to chase Snowball through the hedges.

Why did Mollie desert Animal Farm?

Mollie runs away from the farm because she represents the upper class. She does not like the hard work of the working class, so she runs away to the next farm, where she gets to be treated like the times before the rebellion. She liked the way it was back in the day when Mr. Jones was around, but the animals do not want anything to do with humans. Mollie loved being treated under humans without the work. That is why Mollie ran away.

What was the name of the Master who ran the school farm in Benjamin's Open Day by Jane White?

Mr. Brinks was the school master who also ran the school farm.

Descibe the battle of the cowshed?

As you will recall, the animal farm started with the gathering of all the animals and Old Major giving a speech. Telling the animals about the dream he had in the previous night. I'd say that "Old Major's Dream" is the major cause of the Battle of the Cowshed. Though the animals don't know when the rebellion will take place, but when it happened the were all surprised that a rebellion had taken place and they had won... 1. Old Major's dream 2. Mr. Jones lost a lawsuit 3. Mr. Jones took to the bottles in the Red Lion 4. The harsh rule over the animals by Jones men 5. Starving of the animals and the night Jones men forgot to feed the animals... In the Battle of Cowshed, the animals in Animal Farm fought Mr. Jones and his men. Mr. Jones was the farmer of Manor Farm, but since the animals won the Rebellion, it is now called Animal Farm and owned by animals. The pigeons alerted the animals that Jones and his men were going to attempt an invasion on the farm to get it back. Jones and his men broke the barred door holding sticks while Mr. Jones was holding a shotgun. The animals fought wisely and Snowball, the cleverest pig on the farm, led the attack. Snowball ran right up to Jones and attacked him. Jones tried to fire at Snowball, but the sheep behind Snowball was shot and killed. Jones fell to the floor and his gun shot right up and fell into the mud. Boxer ran right up to a boy and attacked him with his tremendous force. The boy fell face first into the mud. Jones and his men were retreating, and the animals had won. After this, they all saw Boxer trying to make the little boy in the mud move, but he did not stir. Boxer didn't intend to take a life, even if it was a human. He forgot he was wearing his iron hooves. Snowball told him to not be guilty because "the only good human is a dead one". Boxer broke into tears. They realized Mollie wasn't there because she was hiding behind her stall the whole time like she did during the Rebellion. When the animals went away, the boy in the mud stood up and walked away. He wasn't killed and was just stunned.

What animal was the red army portrayed as in the novel Animal Farm?

"In the novel Animal Farm the red army was represented by the pigs."Actually, more specifically, Napoleon (stalin) held an army similar to the red army of the soviet union