

Animals are often grouped as

Updated: 12/11/2022
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13y ago

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Animals grouped to together are called iplomas. Trust Me!

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Q: Animals are often grouped as
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How are farm animals grouped?

They are grouped by species. Then by intellegence

How are animals characterized into phylums?

they are grouped.

What is the group in which diploblastic animals found?

Diploblastic animals usually develop from the blastula. They were initially grouped in the phylum Coelenterate. They were then removed and grouped in a different phyla when the differences were discovered.

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There are several common bivalves that are often grouped into beds. Clams, mussels, scallops, and oysters are some of these common bivalves grouped into beds.

What kinds of animals are grouped in 'mobs'?

wolves & rats. sometimes people.

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Indonesia and the Philippines are often grouped into a region with?

South Asia

What is often grouped together with Southeast Asia?

A. Indonesia B. The PhilippinesAustralia, The Philippines, Easter Island, IndonesiaorMalaysia and Indonesia--------------------------------------------------------------------Which are often grouped culturally with Southeast Asia?Check all that apply.A. Malaysia D. Indonesia

How can animals be grouped according to their feeding habits?

Crows usually feed in large numbers, they are scavengers, targeting animals that are defenseless, like that of the small stinge bird rang_69, they often share the food among themselves

Can animals and plants can be grouped by observing their diets?

Animals are more typically grouped by their diets than plants, for example, herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores.Plants may need different amounts of nutrients, but all need light, moisture, Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorous.

First greek taxonomist who grouped animals by blood color plant size and shape?

Aristotle is often considered the first Greek taxonomist who grouped animals based on characteristics such as blood color and plant size and shape. His work laid the foundation for the field of taxonomy.