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Q: Animals with backbones are classified as?
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What are all animals with backbones classified as?


Does a bald eagle have a back bone?

yes, they are classified under the subphylum 'vertebrata' which is where animals with backbones are classified under.

Is this true to be classified as a animal you have to have a backbone?

No, not all animals have backbones. Animals are classified into two main categories: invertebrates (animals without backbones) and vertebrates (animals with backbones). Invertebrates make up the majority of animal species on Earth and include insects, mollusks, and jellyfish, among others.

Do all invertebrates have backbones?

No. None of them have backbones. That is why they are classified as invertebrates.

Animals with back bone?

animals with backbones are:cats, dogs, zebras,sheep, cows and many more

what is the name given for animals that have backbones?

Animals with backbones are known as vertibrates.

There are more animals that don't have backbones than there are that do have backbones?

No there is more with backbones

Does chickens have backbones?

yes chickens have backbones and chickens are classified as birds.Yes, chickens are vertabrates.

Is a cow a invertebrate or a vertebrate?

Vertebrates are animals with backbones. This applies to all mammals. Therefore, cows are classified as vertebrates.

What is an animal have no backbones beginning with i?

invertibrates. animals WITH backbones are vertibrates.

Do animals with a backbone out number animals without a backbone?

No, there are many more animals without backbones than there are those that have backbones.

What are invertrbrates animals?

Invertebrate animals are animals with out Backbones.