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Animals with more than one stomach, such as pigs and cows, are referred to as "polygastric", poly- meaning many and -gastric referring to the stomach.
The scientific term is called poly-gastric ("many-stomach), for example cows are ruminants, they have four stomachs (or one stomach with four chambers).

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The scientific term is called poly-gastric ("many-stomach), for example cows are ruminants, they have four stomachs (or one stomach with four chambers).

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What is the name of the animal with three stomachs?

Animals with multiple stomachs are known as ruminants. Examples of these are cattle, sheep and goats. They do not actually have multiple stomachs, but stomachs which have a number of 'compartments'. The examples given above are characterised by having four distinct sections to their stomachs, although camelids (camels, llamas, alpacas, vicunas) have a slightly different arangement and are sometimes described as having three stomachs.

Does a cow have 3 stomachs?

No. A cow only has one stomach with four chambers. No animal has three stomachs, nor any kind of multiple stomachs. All animals only have one stomach, but select species have one stomach with multiple chambers, like cows, sheep, llamas, deer and buffalo.

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Multi-chambered stomachs or "multiple stomachs.

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Ruminant animals are those that have hooved feet and four stomachs. Non-ruminant animals have feet or paws, and they do not have this number of stomachs.

What are multiple stomachs in a pig called?

According to the University of Guelph-Scientific Farm animal Production textbook for agriculture studies-pigs are mono-gastric animals, meaning that they have only one stomach like the stomach of the horse. Poly gastric (multi stomached animals include the cow, deer, sheep and goats).

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Do plants have a stomach?

No. Stomachs are only present in animals. Plants do not need stomachs because they do not eat.

Which Animals have teeth in their stomachs?

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