

Another name for positive charge

Updated: 5/20/2024
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16y ago

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The usual term is "positron." It's the antiparticle of an electron, having the same mass but opposite charge and opposite "electron number".

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Q: Another name for positive charge
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What affect will one positive charge have on another positive charge?

They will repel each other.

Does positron have a negative charge?

A POSITron has a POSITive charge, hence the name. A positron is an anti-electron; since the electron has a negative charge, the positron has a positive charge.A POSITron has a POSITive charge, hence the name. A positron is an anti-electron; since the electron has a negative charge, the positron has a positive charge.A POSITron has a POSITive charge, hence the name. A positron is an anti-electron; since the electron has a negative charge, the positron has a positive charge.A POSITron has a POSITive charge, hence the name. A positron is an anti-electron; since the electron has a negative charge, the positron has a positive charge.

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The nucleus of an atom contains positively charged protons and neutral neutrons, making it overall positively charged.

What is the name of a particle with positive charge?

Example: proton, positron.

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Does a nutron have a positive or negative charge?

No, it has no charge. That's why it is called neutron - the name is derived from "neutral".

A charge on a proton?

A proton carries a positive charge of +1 elementary charge, which is equal in magnitude to the charge of an electron but opposite in sign. This charge is fundamental to the behavior of protons in interactions with other particles.

What effect will one positive charge have on another positive charge?

Two positive charges will repel each other due to the electrostatic force being positive. This force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the charges, meaning that as they get closer, the repulsive force will increase.