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Root canal treatment in Plumstead are carried out to remove an irreversibly damaged ‘dental pulp’ due to decay, trauma or to remove infection found at the root of the tooth. We Serve in Plumstead, Woolwich, London & nearby areas.

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Q: Another term for root canal treatment?
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What is another name for a root canal?

Another name for a root canal is endodontic therapy or endodontic treatment. Certainly! A root canal, also known as endodontic therapy or treatment, is a dental procedure that involves treating the innermost part of a tooth, known as the dental pulp. The dental pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When the pulp becomes infected or inflamed due to tooth decay, trauma, or other factors, a root canal is performed to save the tooth. During a root canal procedure, the dentist or endodontist removes the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth's root canals. The tooth is then cleaned, disinfected, and shaped to prepare it for filling. After the canals are thoroughly cleaned and shaped, a biocompatible material called gutta-percha is placed into the canals to seal them off. This helps to prevent recontamination and further infection. Following the root canal, the tooth may be restored with a dental crown or filling to provide protection and restore its function. The crown or filling helps to strengthen the tooth and prevent any potential fractures. Root canals are typically performed to alleviate tooth pain, resolve dental infections, and save a tooth from extraction. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. It is important to seek timely treatment for dental issues that may require a root canal to prevent further complications and maintain oral health.

What happens when you have to have a root canal procedure repeated?

The first dentist screwed up if the procedure has to be repeated on the same tooth. Talk to the dentist and if necessary, a lawyer. Not true. The Long-Term success rate for initial root canal treatment will vary from 80-95%. (Any dental or medical procedure is not 100% predictable in the long-term, eg dental implants). In the 5-20% of teeth where root canal treatment is unsuccessful, retreatment may be needed. It does NOT necessarily mean that the dentist "screwed up" Retreatment involves drilling another hole in the tooth or crown, removing all the old filling material, cleaning, disinfecting, and placing a new root canal filling. Almost all dentists will refer you to an Endodontist for retreatment cases.

How long does it take before you need a root canal?

One endotontist told me to hurry up before it got pus in it and the other told me to leave it alone and see if it settled down after the crown procedure. Quack!It depends on the situation, sometimes if you already have an acute infection the dentist may give you some antibiotics to start reducing the infection before having the root canal done. Partially this is done because it is pus can interfere with the anesthetic making it harder to get the area numb. Other dentists will open the canal and allow the pus to drain out of the center of the tooth, this relieves the pressure and pain. If you don't have an acute infection then it is best to get it done a.s.a.p. before one occurs, the longer you let things go the worse the prognosis is for the tooth to be retained long term. -RDH---------Root canal has to be performed if the dental nerve has died and/or is infected. You may have no pain but still need a root canal treatment. Most common reasons for root canal treatment are bad caries and tooth abrasion at the dentist.Here's a video with more info about root canal

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