

Answer find all real zeros of 10x4-9x3-23x2-4?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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x = -1.2153

x = 2.0614

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Q: Answer find all real zeros of 10x4-9x3-23x2-4?
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In general this question is unanswerable. However, you can consider Newton's method to make very good estimates. Equations can be very complex in that their curves have poles and zeros where you do not expect them. Consider Riemann's Zeta function Z(z) = Sum(1/n^z, n>0). It has complex zeros on the line z=1/2, but up to this date, the distribution of the zeros is not entirely known!

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That really depends a lot on the type of problem. There is no general way to solve all types of problems.

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Certain functions, when solving to find the zeros (value which makes the function equal zero), the only value which will work has an imaginary component. Note that a parabola (graph of a quadratic or 2nd order polynomial) can touch the x-axis at a single point, or 2 points or no points. If it does not touch or cross the x-axis, then the root (or zeros) of the function are complex with imaginary components.Technically, all real numbers are a subset of complex numbers, so all numbers are complex - but this is not how we normally refer to them. We usually say that a number is real, or it is imaginary, or it is complex.

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You could try setting the function equal to zero, and finding all the solutions of the equation. Just a suggestion.

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In the RGB color palette black is represented by all zeros?

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