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Q: Answers for the function e parenthesis n equals 6.37 plus n describes a workers earnings for N hours when the workers hourly wage is 6.37 is this true or false?
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The Answers community requires more information for this question. It could be a multiplicand for whatever is in the parenthesis, for example, 3(2x + 5) = 6x + 15 or it could represent the value of a function for a specific argument, for example if f(x) = 6x + 7 then f(3) = 6*3 + 7 = 25. There are other possible answers.

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The function of a direct object is to receive the action of the verb in a sentence. It answers the question "what" or "whom" the subject is acting upon. The direct object typically follows the verb in a sentence.

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Hi there, a method is a "function" in a object. Example: function answers(){ = function(){alert("hello world")}; } var hello = new answers();; <--- world is a method of the object hello.

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:oo do it yourself -_-