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Q: Are Electricity is controlled flow of protons through a conductor?
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Is Electricity is the controlled flow of protons through a conductor.?

No. Electrons.

Are electricity the controlled flow of protons through a conductor?

The flow is of delocalized electrons.

What does a conductor of electricity mean?

electricity can run through it. For example... copper is a good conductor because it is used to run electricity through your house.

When does electricity flow through a solid electrical conductor?

When the two ends of the conductor are connected to a source of EMF, electricity flows through it.

What is a elecrical conductor?

a electrical conductor is a material that electricity can flow through.

What allows electricity to pass through it?

An object which is a conductor allows electricity to pass through it

What rate does electricity pass through a conductor?

This depends, you have amperage which is how much pressure of electricity is being pushed through the conductor. Next is what kind of conductor, the matters because of ohms, which is how much resistance is caused by the conductor

Will electricity flow through a plastic comb?

No. Plastic is not a conductor of electricity.

Can electricity flow through titanium?

Titanium is a poor conductor of electricity.

Why can electricity only go through conductors?

Because that's how a conductor is defined. A conductor is something that conductors electricity or "lets it go through". An insulator is something that doesn't. A semi conductor is half way between and will allow some electricity to "go through".

What are electrical conductor?

An electrical conductor is a material which lets electricity pass through it.

Why is a good conductor of electricity also a good conductor of heat?

We know that a conductor allows electricity to move through it. Conductors have a source called mobile electrons that go side to side inside the conductor itself when an external source connects to it their source goes through the conductor allowing electricity to flow.