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Q: Are Europe and north America drifting closer together or farther apart?
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Are Europe and America drifting closing together or further apart?

North America and Europe are moving farther apart because of the theory of plate tectonics.

Is europe slowly drifting towards america?


How fast is north America drifting from Europe?

30000 sec

How popular is Drifting?

Very popular started out in Japan now it is also a motorsport in Europe and America

What joins are together?

North and South America, Asia and Europe

How much does the Atlantic ocean grows in size due to a?

Because of the drifting of continents on either side of the ocean which are north & south America on west and Europe & Africa on east.

What 2 continents are together on 1 land?

Europe and Asia North America and South America

What will the earth look like after North America and Europe come together?


Is Egypt farther north than Greece?

No. Greece is farther north than Egypt because it is in Europe, and Egypt is in Africa. Europe is farther north than Africa, so Greece is farther north than Egypt.

Why in Europe do they teach that Mexico is part of south America?

Europeans lump Mexico, Central America, and South America together into what is called Latin America.

What is the name of the continents put together?

Asia, North America, Europe, Austrailia, Africa, Antarctica

How long would it take for Europe and north America to move one foot farther apart?

I dont know but my best guess is 6 years or 12 years