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Im pretty sure they are divergent because they are both from the same bird family and follow common traits such as beak shape, colour but their body shape has been adapted to fit in both environments.

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Q: Are European goldfinch and pine finch convergent or divergent?
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What G is a common European finch the male of which has a red and white face and yellow and black wings?

Answer.. Goldfinch, is a common European finch the male of which has a red and white face and yellow and black wings.

What birds are related to the goldfinch?

Closely related are the pine siskin, Carduelis pinus, and the European goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis. Other relatives are the purple finch, house finch, indigo bunting, painted bunting, lazuli bunting, various grosbeaks.

What birds name end with lettrs ch?

finch bull finch chaffinch goldfinch

What is the plural for goldfinch?

The plural of finch is finches.

What is an aberdevine?

An aberdevine is a green and yellow finch related to the goldfinch, found in Europe and Asia.

What does a gold finch symbolize?

Answer: In Christian art the goldfinch is sometimes seen near the Christ Child; it symbolises the the forthcoming suffering of Christ. It is most famously seen in Raphael's Madonna of the Goldfinch in which John the Baptist (as a child) offers a goldfinch to the child Jesus. The goldfinch is also regarded as a symbol of determination and endurance.

Is a finch a vertebrate or invertebrate?

The goldfinch is a vertebrate. Like all birds, it has a backbone. Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles and amphibians are all vertebrates.

What is an aberduvine?

An aberduvine is another name for the Eurasian siskin or spruce siskin, a green and yellow finch related to the goldfinch.

What is Washington's bird?

the state bird? a goldfinch, i believe . No it's a wood thrush. sign by z4k65 no the gold finch! mhluo

What is the state of Iowa's animal?

The official state bird of Iowa is the eastern goldfinch, also known as the American goldfinch (Spinus tristis), willow finch, or wild canary. It is also the state bird for the states of Washington and New Jersey.

The evolutionary pattern illustrated by the finch species on the galapagos islands is an example of what?

divergent evolution i think

How do you know if a goldfinch is a male or female?

the male gold finch is bright yellow with black and white wings the female is brown with black and white wings