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Diameter of Mercury is 3031 miles; mass 3.250x1020. Diameter of Earth is 7926 miles (at Equator); mass 5.288x1021. Earth's mass is therefore about 16 times that of Mercury. Volumes can be calculated from diameters.

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Earth is about 12756 km in diameter.

Mercury is about 4880km in diameter.

That makes Earth about 2.6 times bigger than Mercury

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Is earth larger than mercury?

Mercury is almost the same size as the Moon. The Moon is smaller than Earth. Mercury is then smaller than Earth.

How mercury and Earth's moon similar?

they have the same size + lots of craters

Is mercury half the size of earth?

According to NASA the size of Mercury is 2440 km radius. And it is almost a half the size of the Earth. Because Earth size is 6372 km radius. Meaning the Mercury is about 1/3 the size of the Earth.

Is Mercury larger than the moon?

Mercury is larger. size of Mercury: 4879 km size of Earth's Moon: 3475 km

A planet closet in size to earth?

Venus is a planet that is closest in size to Earth. It has similar bulk composition and gravity to Earth too.

Is mercury or the moon closer to earth's size?

Mercury is larger than the moon and so is closer in size to Earth than the moon is. It should be noted that Mercury is closer in size to the moon than it is to Earth.

How does the size if Mercury's core compare to Earth's core?

Proportionate to it's size, Mercury has a much larger core than earth, although it's composition is believed to be similar. There are a great many enigmatic aspects to Mercury that are just starting to be explored.

What is mercury sized compared to earth?

The diameter of Mercury is 4,879 kilometers, which is about 38 percent of Earth's diameter. Earth is about three times the size of Mercury.

How does mercury's size compare to the size of earth?

That depends what you mean by "size". Diameter: 0.38 times the diameter of Earth. Radius: same number, since the radius is half the diameter. Volume: the ratio of the diameters cubed. Mass: 0.055 times Earth's mass.

Is there a earth like looking planet?

Yes, not only one but two. Uranus is about the same size and mercury.

What is mercury's size and what is earth's size?

See related questions.

Is mercury closer to the size of the Earth or your moon?

It is closer to the Earth