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Q: Are Normative statements are expressions of facts?
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What are two subfields into which economics is divided and explain it?

The two subfields of economics are positive statements and normative statements.

Why does the distinction between positive and normative statement matter for economics?

A positive normative is one which can be examined by referring to facts i.e 80% of your microeconomics class is made up of females. while a normative statement cannot be tested by examining facts it is an opinion or value judgement.

Contrary to a statement that carries a negative association these statements are neutral or positive expressions?

These statements offer a different perspective or a positive viewpoint.

What is The statements written by the programmer?

In languages that use a C-style syntax (e.g., C, C++ and Java) all code is written using expressions. Expressions may be combined to produce more complex expressions, however an expression or group of expressions only becomes a statement when terminated by a semi-colon. A group of statements enclosed by braces {} is known as a compound statement or code block.

What is the set of statements or principles used to explain a group of facts or natural phenomena is?

A theory is a set of statements or principles used to explain a group of facts or natural phenomena. It is a well-substantiated explanation based on empirical or scientific evidence. Theories can be used to predict future occurrences and guide further research.

What is declarative speech?

Declarative speech refers to statements or expressions that convey information or facts. It is aimed at sharing knowledge or making a statement, rather than asking a question or giving a command. Declarative speech is clear, direct, and typically ends with a period.

The emotivist view of ethics holds that such sentences as stealing is wrong are?

not genuine statements, but only expressions of emotion.

Are facts details?


General statements based on the specifics to be shown are?

assertion of facts

What are statements verified by direct observation or compelling evidence?


What is AJ Ayer's key argument against ethical objectivism?

Ayer argues that ethical statements are not verifiable or falsifiable in the same way that empirical statements are, as they are not grounded in observable facts. Therefore, he concludes that ethical judgments are simply expressions of personal preference or emotion rather than objective truths.

What is the positive and normative analysis in economics?

A positive analysis is a statement of what is. The truth. Purely descriptive statements or scientific predictions.A normative analysis is a statement of what ought to be. Analysis involving value judgments.