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Q: Are all elemental symbols comprised of a two-letter abbreviation?
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Related questions

What are elemental symbols?

It is an abbreviation for a chemical element.

Why is a g the symbol for silver?

"Ag" is the abbreviation for "argentum", which is Latin for "silver". Most of the elemental symbols come directly from Latin.

What is an elements abbreviation called?


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Can you use elemental symbols in scrabble?

No. Abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble. However, you can use an elemental symbol if it also happens to spell an allowable Scrabble word.

Did the Phoenician alphabet symbols stand for a single word?

If they stood for a single word, it would not be alphabetic. An alphabet is comprised of a set of symbols each of which has a sound value, so a word is a combination of several symbols.

What are chemical symbols a shorthand way to represent?

Chemical symbols represent a chemical substance or element

What is the scientific abbreviation of sodium and water?

It doesn't have an abbreviation per se. Its atomic symbols is Na.NA

What does the abbreviation sb mean?

The abbreviation SB can mean several things depending on the context that it is used. For example, it can mean San Bernardino, symbols, senate bill, and South Bay.

What are the symbols on the periodic table?

the symbols represent the type of thing it is like gas, liquid, or solid. it could also have little marks on it representing if it is man made, or radioactive. but the symbols probaly represent the abbreviation of it like oxygen is AR

Which of these is molecule H20 CA NA MG?

H2O (water) is a compound molecule. Ca, Na, Mg are elemental metals. NB When writing elemental symbols;- Single letter symbols are always a CAPITAL letter e.g. 'O' oxygen. Double letter symbols are always written as , first letter is a capital letter and the second letter is lower/small case. e.g. 'Ca'( Calcium). Na(Sodium) , & Mg (Magnesium). NOT as given with all capital letters.

What is the Hebrew symbol for 13?

Hebrew is not comprised of symbols, it has 22 letters which make up words and sentences. 13 in Hebrew is written 13.