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Yes and no. All home pregnancy tests are decting the same hormone, HCG, a hormone that is produced by the developing placenta. However, all home pregnancy tests do not detect HCG at the same levels. So some brands may show positive results sooner than others.

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Q: Are all home pregnancy tests the same at detecting pregnancy?
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Are pregnancy tests the same as drug tests?

Pregnancy tests detect certain chemicals in a woman's urine which are otherwise not present if not pregnant. Otherwise NO.

What is the best home pregnancy test kit in the market today?

You can get any pregnancy test, as they are all really the same. First Response is good at detecting early pregnancy. If you are trying to get pregnant you would be better off with an ovulation test instead though.

What's the best home pregnancy test for my friend to use?

There are many home pregnancy tests for your friend to use. Home pregnancy test are pretty much the same in terms of accuracy and reliability, so I would recommend the pregnancy test that is the cheapest at a local grocery store or pharmacy.

Are at home pregnancy tests always correct?

Almost NOTHING is ALWAYS correct.Home pregnancy tests are around 85 % so use three from different manufacturers and you are approaching 99% if they all give the same result. If not then you will have to find out why.

Signs of pregnancy a week after removel of implanon?

Signs of pregnancy are the same in all patients. A missing period and positive pregnancy tests are signs of pregnancy.

What causes a home Pregnancy test positive and hospital test negative?

a home pregnancy test is not asaccurate as a doctors i would never trust home tests if you don't have the money or just want to keep it a secret the best thing to do is take 5 home test and if 4 of them say you are chances are you pregnant.

What is the right time to determined pregnancy before a missed period?

Pregnancy can be determined by todays over the counter tests as early as 3-5 days after fetilization, which is roughly the same time as ovulation (egg release). Therefore, its a question of when the person ovulated, and not when the missed period is. Home pregnancy tests can be positive even before a missed period.

Does a pregnancy test detect the hormone if tubes are tied?

Pregnancy tests work the same on women with and without their tubes tied.

How accurate are home pregnancy tests if you used one first thing in the morning and two days later you used one at night and they both said positive?

85% accuracy is common for pregnancy tests, if all steps are followed precisely. Two tests showing the same result should mean about 98% accuracy. But only if the same mistakes were not made during both test procedures.

I had 2 positive pregnancy tests and 1 negative and no signs of pregnancy on the ultrasound?

Interesting.. I've had the same thing happen to me (minus the ultrasound...) in getting several false positives. However, mine were due to having cysts on my ovaries- which are known for affecting the result of home pregnancy tests. If you're still uncertain, I'd try taking a blood test; it is possible that if you are indeed pregnant, the pregnancy is too young to be shown in an ultrasound.

What are the earliest signs of pregnancy?

The early signs of pregnancy vary from person to person. "Morning sickness" can run the gamut from extreme and continuous to none at all. The same can be true for swelling of the extremities. Missing a period or two, and home pregnancy tests are good indicators, but the truth is only a visit to a doctor will tell you with certainty.

Can a uti affect a pregnancy test?

Yes. To get a urine test, go to your doctor. But instead of that you could just go buy a pregnancy test. Same thing, you pee on it. Yes, a urine dipstick can detect human chorionic gonadotrophin (HcG) levels in urine at about 2 weeks gestation